(16-09-2012, 05:33 PM)King Of All : en.roksbi.ru Admin team Proudly Introduces POINTS SYSTEM or db $ to members This is an interesting inclusion to en.roksbi.ru forum 1. This points system or called db$ system is just for fun factors It does not carry any value with Real $ 2. Every Member will be given with $ for what ever activities They do in en.roksbi.ru 3. The total number of Rupees an member achives will be displayed In their post header & in their Profiles. Just click on your money and u will see many more details about it 4. All member will be Able to donate money to other members for their good work 5. And most importantly this money can be used for multi purposes like Exchange It For Real Money HERE Contests Gambling Promotions Awards Betting For Starting New Threads in Some Sections To View Premium Sections ( In The Feature) And for plenty more further uses. More db $can be won or earned in contest and gambling section too. So All members start Earning more money Good luck Kingofall Here is the list which shows how much db $ you can earn in each Activity You Can Also Earn instant db $ through BANK DEPOSITS SELLING YOUR UPLOADS
(13-04-2014, 12:47 AM)dr.blue : How to sell my uploads??!!