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BDSM Indian Girls are Innocent

This story will be in many parts. 

PART 1 The search for a homely Indian girl

My name is Vijay and I am 30 years old. I am an Indian by birth and my
parents are from rural parts of southern India. They migrated to Canada
about 30 years back and lived there since. I was born there and
completed my education in Toronto. Despite being away from India for
such a long time, my parents still maintain the culture and tradition 
at home.

I have visited India several times and admire the culture and tradition
of the Indians. Unlike in Canada or any other modernized country,
women are still treated as goddesses but at the same time as inferior
sex to men. The women are very conservative and homely. They usually
don't go out at night or hang around with male friends. They respect
their virginity more than their life, and as such if a girl is raped,
she usually commits suicide in the rural parts of India even in this
modern computer era. However, it is noticeable that the girls living in
the cities in India are fond of becoming westernized and modernized
rather than keeping up with their traditions. These modern girls smoke,
drink and even have casual sex. Obviously, their parents do not know
about this if at all the girl is involved in such activities.

The type of girl that I always wanted to marry was the homely natured
girl who has no bad habits and would be good at cooking, going to
temples and perhaps singing or dancing. It is these types of girls who
in my opinion can take care of the house well and bring up children in a
good manner. That doesn't mean she would be an uneducated foolish girl
with no knowledge of the outside world. In my mind, she should have
completed at least High School and have a good command of English too.

I have completed my MBA and joined a multi-national trading firm about
six months ago. I earn a decent salary and all my expenses are taken
care of by the company. I now felt it was the next phase of my life and 
it was time to settle down in life by getting married. My parents were 
also of the same opinion and that made my plans easier. They suggested 
we leave for India and find a match for me and I agreed as I felt there 
would hardly be any girls here in Canada who could meet my requirements 
and expectations.

After a few days, we arrived in our hometown in India after some two
years. The last time I was here was during my academic break. We settled
into our house which was being maintained by the servants. Soon my dad 
called upon the marriage agent to come to our house with photographs of 
girls who were awaiting marriage. He brought about fifteen photographs 
of girls who matched the description we had given to him (i.e.
beautiful, educated and from a nice family background). I browsed
through the pictures and one girl caught my eye and created that feeling
inside me that she was the one for me. The agent said her name was
Preeti, 20 years old, completed Bachelors in Home Science, and her
father was a college lecturer who is well-known in the region. It looked
ideal for us so my dad immediately asked the agent to arrange for a
“bride-viewing” which is traditional in our culture. The boy and his
parents go to the girl's house to see the girl and discuss further
matters with her parents. Two days later, the agent called us and
informed us to visit the bride's house on Sunday afternoon.

As I had nothing much to do in that village, I went to the lake nearby
and sat under a tree getting some fresh air. I held her photo in my hand
and admired her, creating some emotional feelings for her. It was not
really love but lust. However, my darker side comes in once in a while
and at that moment it did. I imagined her totally naked and bound, 
pleading for mercy from me. That thought soon vanished and I imagined 
her as sweet as she was on the photo. She was wearing a red colored 
churidar. She was much fairer than many local girls with light-colored 
skin. She was slim and was about 5’8” tall. She had dark eyes and thick 
long hair. Her smile was sweet with nice teeth structure. Her breasts 
were not clearly visible behind the churidar in the picture but they 
were bulging out quite a bit. I thought to myself I had got the ideal 
partner that I always wanted. I returned home as it was getting dark.

The long-awaiting Sunday arrived and I woke up early in the morning and
took a good bath. I dressed up neatly in white long-sleeves shirt and a
pair of black trousers. My parents and I drove off with the agent to the
girl's house which was located some 20km away. It took us about 45
minutes to get there through the poor road works done. When we arrived,
we were greeted by her parents and relatives at the entrance and were
invited in to take a seat. We slowly walked in and sat down. They served
some snacks and asked some general questions about me. After a while,
they said, "Preeti, bring coffee for them”. This is the usual process
when "Bride-viewing”. She soon brought several cups of coffee arranged
in a tray and walked into the hall with her head facing the floor. This
was respect for the people there and of course she was shy. She was now
dressed in a bright yellow saree with a colorful golden border. The
saree color matched her skin color and made her look all the more
attractive. She served coffee to my father first, then to my mother and
then to me. When she was serving me, her father said, "He is the groom”.
She lifted her head for a second and saw me. When I saw her, she
immediately moved on to serve coffee to the rest of the people sitting
there. After that was done, she went back inside and I could hear a few
giggles among the girls inside the room she walked into. Her father said, 
"She is a very good and quiet girl and has completed a degree in Home
Science and thus she should be able to be a good housewife." Her mother
then said, "We taught her how to behave when she goes to her husband's
house after marriage. She can do all the housework and cook good food."

Her father then asked us, "So, what do you think? Do you like her?” My
father said he thought she was a very good girl and we all liked her 
very much, and I nodded my approval. "However, can we just ask her a few
things?” asked my father. "Sure, Preeti come here dear,” her father said.
"So what types of food do you cook?” asked my mother. "All types. If I
don't know anything, I will learn in no time,” she replied promptly. "Do 
you know any arts like singing or dancing or something?” asked my mother 
again. "I can dance Bharathanatyam and play the Sitar,” she replied.
Actually it didn't matter too much but mainly these questions were to
test her speech and hearing and her eye co-ordinations. "I like the girl
very much and I want to know whether she likes me too,” I said to
everyone. Her father looked at her and she, blushing, nodded her head
signaling her acceptance before rushing into her room. My parents started 
discussing with her parents further about the engagement and marriage 
arrangements. At the end of it all, it was decided that the engagement 
would happen right away and the marriage in two weeks time.

Our traditional engagements do not involve exchanging rings between the
groom and the bride but rather exchanging a plate filled with fruits,
flowers and other religious items between the parents of the two sides.
Accordingly, our engagement was conducted in this manner and after that
there was a reading or announcement that the two of us were hereby
engaged and everyone was officially invited for the marriage. During this
time, she was sitting opposite me some 10 feet away. I was looking at
her but had to turn away quite often since everyone else's eyes were on
us in the middle of the circle. I could sense the joy and happiness in
her through her expressions and I caught her a few times when she looked
up at me and blushed away. She was too beautiful to stop looking and was
really charming. The engagement ceremony soon came to an end and my
parents waived goodbye to them and stated their departure. I looked at
her and waived goodbye and she responded by waiving me goodbye too. We
soon drove off and went back home. We started marriage preparations and
printing of invitations. It was all said and done and my life was about
to enter into a whole different world.

Two weeks passed and the marriage day arrived!

PART 2 The Day of Marriage arrives

I woke up at 5.00am and took an oil bath according to the instructions
of my parents. It was really relaxing and kind of freshening towards a
long day ahead. I soon got ready and wore a white long-sleeves shirt
neatly ironed and a Dhothi. The marriage is usually at the bride's 
house, so we had to go there. My parents and I drove in our car while 
our relatives followed on a bus behind us. We arrived there and were 
warmly welcomed by everyone in the house. They showed me my room on 
the first floor. I went there and rested for a while. After that I went 
down and sat on the stage where the wedding would take place. Several 
religious ceremonies were happening simultaneously. A while later, 
they brought the bride to the stage. She was dressed in a red saree 
with a matching red blouse. She was wearing two large gold necklaces 
and one diamond necklace and various other shining jewelry on her head, 
nose and ears. She was also wearing gold bangles on her wrists and her 
ankles. She looked even more beautiful than I had seen her during the 
engagement. With her head facing the ground, she was slowly sat down 
to my right. 

The marriage happens by the groom tying three knots with a yellow 
string around her neck which hangs like a necklace. However, nowadays, 
it is indeed a necklace that would have the edges made of yellow string 
just enough to tie the knots. Several minutes passed and it was time. 
I tied the knots around her neck and she officially became my wife Mrs. 
Preeti Vijay from that moment. The beautiful statue is my wife! The music 
was very loud and there were flowers being thrown at us and she was 
smiling and absolutely delighted. I was delighted too. The other aspects 
of the ceremony took place and a few hours later it was lunch time. After
lunch, there were more ceremonies. Around 4.00pm, my parents and I along
with our relatives left their house for our house. The bride, her family
and relatives would come to our house later to give away their daughter.

Preeti and her relatives soon arrived at our house and we received them
with hearty welcomes. The next ceremony was the, "Bride Invitation” 
ceremony, which means we were inviting the bride to live with us 
henceforth. There was not much to be done though. We had arranged for
some light music and then dinner. Preeti and I had dinner together with
both our parents on a round table. She kept silent for most of the time
while I was chatting with her dad. The dinner soon finished and she was
taken away by a group of her companions for preparing her for the next
ceremony - "The relaxing Ceremony." I think it is fairly evident from 
the name itself that it is nothing but the First Night for me and her.

I was to go to the, "Wedding Room” which was specially arranged for the
First Night with flowers all over the bed and candles around the bed.
Smooth silk blankets and pillows arranged neatly. There were beautiful
paintings and pictures hanging on the wall around the room to make it
more attractive. This room was originally empty before today. As we have
12 bedrooms in the house, it is inevitable that some rooms would be
empty and used only as a guest-room. There was an attached bathroom in 
this room as well. There was soap, shampoo and 2 towels kept ready for 
use in the bathroom. I took a quick shower to wash away the sweat and 
wore a short-sleeves shirt and a Dhothi. I looked at the time and it 
was already 10.30pm. I sat there waiting for my sweet Preeti. The 
clock was moving too slow! I was humming a music tune and impatiently 
waited. Finally the door opened after a knock. As she was gently 
pushed in I heard the laughter of her friends and companions. 

She slowly walked towards me watching her feet rather than looking
up at me. She was carrying a cup, which had milk in it. It is
traditional that the bride brings the milk for the husband to drink half
of the cup after which she would drink the other half. Just like that,
she gave me the cup, fell on my feet and took my blessings, also
according to tradition. I put the cup on the side table and gently
lifted her back up. I sat on the bed and indicated her to sit too. I
then took the cup and drank half of the milk and gave her the other
half. She drank it from the same spot I drank from so that my saliva 
was part of her intake. I placed the cup back on the side table. She was
quiet and still, probably waiting for me to say something first. I
didn't know how and where to start from but I was sure I should break
the ice first! "So, we are married now, huh? I didn't know you two weeks
back, but now we are about to spend the rest of our lives together for
one another. Interesting!” I said. "Hmm,” was her response. I decided the
best way to get her talking was to pepper her with questions after
questions. It worked. I asked her about her childhood, her favorite
sports, her hobbies, her skills, her family, her friends, etc. By the 
end of this series of questions, we were chatting quite well and
she was laughing and smiling. In each moment, I was admiring her
features and still getting to terms with the fact that I had married my
"Dream-girl” with every requirement of mine seemingly satisfied. 

More than two hours passed just talking. I wanted some sort of sex
so I started by asking her what happened once she left the dinner 
table earlier. She blushed and said, "They took me to take a bath,
what else.” I took her hand and smelt her palm as she turned away from
me. "What soap?” I asked charmingly. "Not soap, it is turmeric powder 
and sandal powder and also various types of oils,” she replied with
little a hesitation. "It smells good,” I appreciated. "What happened 
after that?” I asked. "Then, I was dressed up and brought here,” she 
said. She was wearing a blue saree with a violet blouse underneath. She 
now had fewer ornaments than at the time of the marriage but nevertheless 
was amazingly attractive. "Did your mom or friends give you any advice? 
They usually do, don't they?” I asked curiously. "Hmmm… yes,” she blushed. 
I lied next to her lap and asked, "So what did they say?" "They said not 
to tell you,” she said. I thought that was the stupidest reply there 
could possibly be!, "It's alright, tell me. I want to know,” I said. 
"Hmm… nothing much,” she tried to avoid. "There must be something,” I 
persisted. "Okay, I will tell you,” she started. I knew she would tell 
me! "My mom asked me to be a good girl and to make sure to keep oiling 
the lamp throughout the night, though I don’t know why. She also told me 
to do whatever you said and not to make you unhappy or disappointed. Of 
course, she asked me to hesitate a bit before giving in so that it would 
be more real." 

"Oil the lamp? She doesn't even know why! It is just to make sure she 
remains awake the whole night to please me even if I actually slept off,” 
I thought to myself. "So, you would do anything I say right? Otherwise 
your mom might be mad!” I stated. "The first thing I want you to do is 
to be yourself rather than acting like being hesitant or giving in just 
because you are told by your mom, alright?” I asked. "Hmm… okay,” she 
replied. "Good then. Let's talk some matters openly since we are going 
to be together for the rest of our lives. Okay?" "Hmm." I continued, 
"Are you fine with having children in the near future or would you like 
to enjoy for a few years before planning?" She blushed. "I will make the 
choice then - we shall wait three years" I said. "Three years?" she 
exclaimed. "So you want to have babies now right?" I asked her with a 
laugh and poked her cheek with my finger. "No, I did not mean it that 
way!” she managed. "What I meant was why so long?" she asked. "Well, 
you are only 20 and I am only 30. We can enjoy our youth and then have 
children when we are more mature,” I answered. She nodded. "Hey but 
don't be disappointed that nothing else is going to happen. There is 
a lot for you to explore soon,” I gave her encouragement. She pretended 
not to be disappointed but her body language disclosed the truth. 
"Explore? What? I don't want to!” she said. 

This is something typical all conservative girls are supposed to say so 
I was actually happy with her saying this. "I think we can start exploring 
something tonight itself,” I said and got up. She got up too. I suppose 
it was respect. I signaled her to sit down. She did. I grabbed a CD and 
put it into the player. It was all Tamil songs that were romantic and sexy. 
I believed it would create some mood. As I expected, she was blushing 
listening to the wordings in the songs. I got back near her and this time 
lay on her lap facing up. Her hands started curling my forehead and hair. 
She said some cheeky sweet words and I matched her.

Soon, I put my hands round her neck and slowly pulled myself up and
pushed her gently on the bed as I moved on top of her. I then kissed her
forehead. The flowers on the bed created a sensational mood and I was
getting excited. I slowly pulled away her saree from the top to her
waist level. This exposed her violet blouse. My eyes were inches away
from her breasts and this time it was much clearer and easier to
estimate that they were about 36C. Her eyes were closed. Perhaps that is
how she could concentrate. I kissed her cheeks gently and then her lips.
She did not know how to kiss lip-to-lip but she soon followed me and was
playing with her tongue on mine. "Is that how innocent and naive Indian
girls are?" I wondered. After a while, I slowly lifted her to a sitting
position with her legs still stretched forward. This allowed me to move
my hands behind her back and hold her more tightly towards me for a more
stronger kiss. She seemingly enjoyed it. I then withdrew myself from her
to see her reaction. Her eyes opened and she giggled. She buried her
face on her hands and bent towards her lap in embarrassment. She had
forgotten herself during the passionate kiss. I got off the bed and
gently pulled her hand. She adjusted her saree back up over her shoulder
and followed my hand to get off the bed. I then pulled her a little hard
so that she would hug me in some force. I attached my lip with hers
again and this time when my hands went around her back, her hands went
around mine. We were in such an intimate lock. I held the edge of her
saree and let it go again to her waist level. She didn't care. She was
starting to feel involved and her shyness was fading. My hand lowered a
bit to her hips. 

The beauty of a saree is that it doesn't cover the hip portion generally. 
As such, since her saree was down to the hip, her hip and stomach was 
exposed. Though not much area was exposed, it was still an intimate 
sensual location. The music continued and I could sense her getting hot 
and wet. She was kissing me without moving her body a single bit. I then 
moved my fingers around her back portion of the hip. It created some 
friction and she paused kissing for a second. But she then continued. 
I started having the feeling that she was continuing the kiss in order 
not to face me in her embarrassment. Obviously, it was nothing 
embarrassing, but it is the way these totally inexperienced girls think 
when with a man for the first time in their life! I played my fingers 
around her waist for a while and then silently unhooked the saree from 
her hip. The saree slowly fell to the ground exposing the petticoat. 

She realized that her saree had fallen and withdrew herself from kissing. 
She did not pick the saree up to cover herself but turned herself towards 
the other side with her hands crossed against her breasts. Her head was 
down. "Hey, don't worry, I am your husband and it is alright for me to 
see you like this,” I explained. The fact is that these girls never go to 
swimming pools or elsewhere where they wear a little exposing clothing. 
Thus, presumably, no man would have seen her like this previously. I 
walked towards her and turned her around. I purposely stared at her from 
top to bottom. I pulled both her hands to the side and stared at her again. 
I was quite enjoying this. There was no response from her. "Well, I think 
you had enough for today. We can go to sleep if you want,” I said sweetly. 
"No, No. I…I…I am sorry,” she regretfully said. “Darling, don't worry. I 
understand,” I said and took her head to my chest. I then caressed her 
hair. It was amazingly soft and oiled. "I think we can go to sleep, dear,” 
I said. "I told I am sorry. I am really sorry. We…we shall continue the 
enjoyment,” she said with a smile and enthusiasm. 

I felt that was an  opportunity to do something exotic. "Can you show me 
a quick dance for the music?" I asked. She blushed and shook her head no. 
I persisted and requested with "Please, please" in a seductive way. She 
started slowly moving to the tune and moved her hands and legs beautifully. 
It indeed matched the music. Eventually, she got into her dancing rhythm 
and I sat on the bed and watch her wonderful dance to the fast sexy music. 
It was about 3.00am. The song finished and she was exhausted. She came 
and stood in front of me. I pulled her with both my hands and fell back 
on the bed so she fell on top of me. I held her tight around her waist. 
She was breathing quite heavily. I started undoing her blouse buttons as 
she lay on my chest exhausted. With the buttons undone I knew her blouse 
would slip when she got up. I continued to undo the laces on her petticoat 
as well. She realized this and also that her blouse had been undone. Soon, 
she started hitting me pretending to be angry. I laughed and started 
kissing her to calm her down. Her hands started unbuttoning my shirt. I 
let her back go in order to give her room to undo the rest of my buttons. 
She patiently did the first three buttons. Then she pulled back up a bit 
to reach the lower buttons. At this her blouse fell on my chest. I used 
my hand to take it and throw it to the side. She was wearing a white
bra and now her breasts were more visible. She quickly undid my shirt 
buttons to equalize things. I moved her aside to remove my shirt. Her 
petticoat slipped down a little and she quickly pulled it back into place. 

I saw her and laughed, "Still trying to hide, huh?" "Hahaha,” she teased. 
I felt she was relaxing the barrier between us by teasing me. I dropped my 
shirt next to the bed and stood now wearing a white vest. I jumped towards 
her and grabbed her. I rolled her on top of me and held her tight. "Let's 
remove your petticoat now dear,” I said and instantly I pulled it down. 
She was helpless and could only hide her face on my chest. I pulled it 
down to her knees but could not reach any further. I put my hand on her 
white panties in the middle touching both ass-cheeks. She got up and 
kneeled in front of me. I saw the front part of her panties which 
completely covered her pussy. She pulled the rest of the petticoat to the 
floor and started undoing my Dhothi. That was a quick job just to remove 
the belt and undo the knot. Cool air rushed into my thighs and abdomen.
My penis started having an erection again. Up till now, I hid the erection 
from her but now she was seeing it bulge up my brief. She started laughing. 
I was feeling embarrassed now. I wanted to strip her naked to compensate
this. I got up and she started running around. I caught her and undid
the bra and also pulled down her panties while she was facing the wall.
She was totally naked now facing the wall with her one hand crossed over
her exposed breasts and one hand over her exposed anus. I turned off the

It was now dim with only the oil lamp and two candles. I walked towards
her slowly and touched her shoulders gently. She reacted like an
electric shock passed through her. I glanced at her naked backside in
the dim light and then gently turned her around. She turned with her eyes
closed and head facing down. I presume turning off the light calmed her
a bit and relaxed her tension. She reached to undo my vest, but I didn't
let her. I wanted to stay superior while pleasing her at the same time.
That is why I had let her remove all my other clothes. She seemed a bit
put off by not being able to undo my vest and briefs but I gave her
little time to think that over. I gently pushed her on the bed and
started caressing her breasts. I put my fingers and circled around the
areola for a while. “Ohhh…” came the whimper. She was getting horny. I
continued the circulations and now caressed around her nipples. She
was moaning more frequently. She was facing her left with her head flat
on the bed. She did not even look at me for a split second. Her nipples 
were nicely puffed up. I didn't even touch them yet! I circled more and 
more around her nipples to make it more interesting. She was getting wet
underneath and her body temperature was increasing. Her moans got louder
and louder and more and more frequent. I was sure she had not experienced
this before. Her hands came to her breasts to help my hands but I gently
took them and put them on her sides. She was getting impatient now. I
still refused to touch her nipples and decided to divert her attention
to her pussy. When my hand touched her clit, she got up quickly.

"What?" I asked. "Nothing, it's ticklish" she said. "It will be like
that initially. It will be better sooner than you know! Relax!" I said
and pressed my hand against her forehead forcing her to lie back down. I
touched her clit again with my forefinger. She moaned. "It is not that
bad now is it?" I asked. " is fine" she replied. While slowly
moving my finger from up to down over her clit, I was wondering to 
whether to make her have a clitoris orgasm right then or not. I surely 
didn't want to insert my finger into her tight pussy tonight as I had 
other plans in mind. I looked at the time and it was 4.45am. It was 
almost morning. She would need to take a shower at about 5.30am and 
help my mom with making breakfast. This is what usually happens after 
everyone's First Night. I was thinking of making her reach the edge of 
climax just before it was time for her to take a shower so that she 
would be in that state when she went out because she wouldn't dare to 
try to cum by herself as she didn’t even know how to masturbate. That 
was exciting to imagine. "You take some rest and I will go to the toilet 
and be back,” I said. 

I went in, masturbated, showered and came back out all fresh. It was 
5.20am now. I put on my briefs, vest and a pair of trousers that was 
hanging behind the bathroom door. I got on the bed and noticed that 
her nipples had been pressed. I was tempted to ask her but decided not 
to. She was only lying there but not sleeping. "Preeti”, I whispered. 
"You look so beautiful,” I complimented. That was enough to wake her 
up into embarrassment. She blushed and said, "You are handsome too." 
I laid next to her and started playing with her clit again. She gasped. 
"Please, enough. I need to go soon. Your mom will be up. Enough please,” 
she pleaded. "A little more...please,” I said. She could not refuse. 
I gently stroked her clit and rubbed it up and down. She was moaning now. 
Five minutes later, her body was shivering and she was moaning louder 
and harder. I stopped, got off the bed and put on the lights. I saw her 
naked body in the bright light sweating and covered with juices around 
her pubic area. I went back to the bed and she was happy. She was so 
close to her first clitoris orgasm. 

"It's 5.30am dear. Get a shower" I said. She got up with a moan of 
disappointment and covered herself with her hands. "Turn away,” she 
said as she walked past the bed to the other side to the bathroom. 
She picked her clothes that were lying on the floor before entering 
the bathroom. "Should I help?" I asked innocently. "No...Thank....You,” 
she replied teasingly. I just smiled and pulled the blanket over myself 
and slept. She took a shower, dressed back into the last night's dress 
and walked out of the room with a certain level of discomfort in her 
pussy and also in her nipples.

to be continued ...

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PART 3 Our honeymoon trip

Later that day my father said, "I have booked two tickets for you and 
Preeti tonight for your honeymoon to Ooty." That took me by surprise 
as I only got married yesterday. "I haven't told Preeti or your mom yet, 
so you can tell them and get ready to leave." "Thanks dad,” I said and 
went to the kitchen. "Mom, tickets have been booked for me and Preeti 
to go to Ooty tonight." "Wow, that's great!” my mom said happily. I 
looked at Preeti and she was appeared to be happy too but did not say 
much. "Pack the clothes Preeti, we should leave in another two hours 
to be able to catch the flight." She ran to our room in joy to get 
packing. I went after her to help her in packing. When I entered, I 
hugged her from behind. "Let me go" she hesitated. "No way, we are 
going to have a very happy time for two weeks.", "Okay okay, wait till 
we get there okay. Your mom might come in. Leave me,” she said. I 
just kissed her cheek from the back and took some shirts and pants from
the wardrobe and threw them on the bed. She would iron them and pack. 
Soon, we were out in our car and the driver drove us to the airport.

When we arrived at our hotel we found that it was a five-star facility, 
the best at Ooty. The bell-captain took our luggage and showed our 
cabin after we checked-in. After placing the baggage in the cabinet
in our room. I gave him some tips and he waived goodbye. I closed the 
door and started kissing Preeti’s cheeks and neck from behind. I soon 
turned her around and started kissing her in the lips. She was enjoying 
it but she was tired and desperately in need of rest. She tried to push 
me away with her hands gently, but I kept up the tight hug and 
attachment with her lips. I stopped shortly later. "Take off your 
clothes dear,” I said. "No, I am going to sleep,” she uttered. "Listen
to me. I will help you,” I said and started unbuttoning her churidar. The
excitement was building inside me as I started. She tried to refuse but
gave in understanding my feelings. She got involved in the undressing as
she took the top off through her head. I then pulled her pants down and
she stepped over it which holding my shoulder. She was in a pink bra and
tight pink panties. She started unbuttoning my shirt and I helped her
initiation by removing it. I then undid my belt as her hands went around
my waist. I then pulled my pants down and stepped out of it. I opened
the bathroom door for a moment and threw all these clothes out to clear
up some space. I then turned her around. She was smiling and I noticed
this on the mirror in front of her. She was enjoying the experience. I
undid the buckle behind her bra and it instantly came off. I saw her
boobs pop out freely in the mirror. She closed her eyes for that moment
and her hands went to feel her naked breasts. I put my left hand on her
panties on top of her pussy and softly stroked it while using my right
hand to pull her panties down. She gasped slightly and shook at the
sensation. I soon pulled the front part of her panties down as well and
she stepped over it. Her hand went to cover her pussy and she slightly
hid her pussy in front of the sink. "Pick up the clothes Preeti" I said
pointing to the floor. She looked gazed and had no choice but to turn
around and reveal herself to my sight as she bent down to pick her bra
and panties up. Her hair fell to the floor as she bent and touched my
feet. She picked them and put them next to the sink. I moved a step back
to admire her beautiful naked body with a perfect vital statistics. I
realized that she was blushing but not as much as during the First
Night. Her eyes were shut and she was looking down towards the floor. 
Her face was getting a little red in embarrassment. 

She had a considerable amount of pubic hair which I ignored last night. 
But today I wanted that clean. I guess she never shaved before because 
there was so much! I put my hand forward and pulled the pubic hair. 
Her eyes sprang open in surprise and she cried, "Ahhh,” as she took a 
step forward. "Let's clear this hair off. It will make you feel more 
free and easy." She nodded not knowing what to say. "Okay, sit there,” 
I pointed to the toilet seat. She did. I then looked for the shaving 
cream and stick on the tray next to the sink. I attached the blade to 
the stick. "Here, shave off that hair dear,” I said. She looked
confused. "How exactly?" she asked childishly. I gently laughed at her
innocence and said, "I will show you. Move more backwards and spread 
your legs. Put one on the tub and the other on the sink. She followed. 
She looked away from what I was doing. Her pussy was well exposed for 
my working. I took the shaving cream into my hand and wiped it all over 
her pussy. She moaned slightly but didn't look. Her legs shook slightly. 
She was getting wet and a little hot. I started using the stick and 
shaved her hair into the water closet. When it was over and I hardly 
could see any hair left. Her pussy was so naked I bet she was feeling 
exposed very badly. I then pulled the shower and sprayed water on her 
pussy to wash the cream away. I used my hand in the process. She moved 
herself forward reacting to the warm water being sprayed. I looked 
into her eyes and she looked into mine. She was embarrassed at being 
so exposed that she covered her pussy. “Remove your hand dear and let 
me see you properly,” I demanded. Hesitantly she obeyed. 

Continuing what I had started last night I stroked her clit again. 
She was already really wet. A few seconds later with my continuous 
rubbing, she was moaning. Several seconds later she was moaning. I 
had brought her back to where she was last night or rather early this 
morning. I applied more vigorous rubs on her clit. She was moaning more
louder and deeper now. She was starting to sweat and her breathing was
fast and heavy. She was almost there. I kept up the pressure. She
started moving now with her legs shaking. "Spread your legs wider" I
instructed. Despite her shame she spread her legs wider. I knew she 
was getting there. I mixed slow and fast movements. She was moaning 
really loud. It was unfair to stop but I removed my hand. She 
instantly panicked and opened her eyes. I got back there with a 
vengeance and rubbed really vigorously. A few more seconds of hard 
rubbing and she CAME! Her pussy pumped up in the air along with my
hand still continuing the rubbing. There was a river of cum all over 
her pussy and it was dripping down both thighs. It was one hell of 
a start to our honeymoon.

There was no stopping from there on. Our love making was passionate 
and exciting. Preeti gave me tremendous pleasure and once she was 
able to accommodate my large member inside her without discomfort, 
she began to enjoy it tremendously too. I realized that it was time 
to begin our journey of developing our lovemaking into the complete 
surrender of a wife to the pleasure of her husband. That night we 
discussed what sort of relationship we would have. I told her, “As 
the husband I must be in full control of all situations in order for 
the family to be running smoothly and happily.” I paused for a 
second and Preeti nodded for me to continue. “As my wife you need to 
be a very responsible and co-operative person,” I added. I paused 
for a few more seconds to look into her eyes and saw that she was
listening intently. “A good husband should know and a good wife 
should tell every secret of herself without concealing anything. 
The most important factor of having a good marriage is to be able to 
understand any mistakes the wife had made and for the husband to help 
her realize her mistake and prevent that from happening again. Do you 
agree?” To my joy Preeti listened carefully and nodded. It was time to 
push for more. “It is not correct to just simply forgive the mistakes 
the wife makes because that will not help her at all,” I continued. 
“In order for the wife to learn, she must sufficiently compensate for 
the mistake.” I was just building up to the main objective. “The types 
of compensation could be redoing the work, rectifying the mistake, or 
being punished.” I paused for a while. She nodded and looked at me 
seriously. “Preeti, though this might sound very traditional, I really 
believe this will be best for us in the long run.” She closed her eyes 
and gave the impression of being deep in thought. I put my hand around 
her back and pulled her head to my chest in a hug. “The difficult bit 
is that there are some punishments, which are traditional, that are 
quite harsh. But those are only for the really serious mistakes.” 
She was sobbing a little now. It had been good so far. To make it more 
convincing, I said “You will need to make a promise that you will obey 
my wishes and do nothing wrong.” She leaned back and nodded with a sob, 
“Yes, I will.” Those were the magic words I wished to hear. She hugged 
me again and sobbed saying, “I will do anything to keep our lives happy 
and will always do as you wish.” She hurriedly wiped her tears and said 
she would like to make the promise more properly. “Stay here,” she said 
and went to the closet while I day-dreamed about the punishments I 
could impose on her.

She brought a churidar and a saree, both red, and asked me to choose. I 
chose the saree as it was more traditional. It had a matching red blouse 
and a red petticoat with it. In about 5 minutes, she was fully changed. 
She got a small bucket and a one-feet tall stool from the storeroom. 
“What is this for?” I asked. “You will see soon,” she said. She then 
also grabbed a tall drinking mug. “I think we are almost ready. Please 
fill the bucket with water and take the mug and the stool to the outside 
through the backdoor. I will be out shortly.” While I went to the kitchen 
I could hear the water running in the bathroom. Soon Preeti walked 
through the backdoor and came outside dripping with water. Her whole 
body was drenched and her breasts were clearly showing through her 
clothes. She looked at the sun that was about to start setting. Then 
she looked at me and the sun again and knelt down at my feet. She started 
to say “I promise to keep my husband happy at all times, not to
displease him, be honest and frank with him, help him, honor his family,
be kind and friendly, obey anything he says, accept anything he does, 
take care of our children, not disrespect my husband, do the housework, 
cook properly, keep the house clean and all other things that I am told 
to do by my husband or his parents or my parents or anyone else who my 
husband asks me to listen advice from. I promise to be a good wife and 
girl and always protect the respect, status and integrity of my husband 
and his family both at home and outside.” She looked up at me. I was
surprised she had said so much more than I expected. I smiled. She got
up and faced me with a few tears of gratitude in her eyes rather than
humiliation. “Now please stand on this stool,” she said. I stood on 
the stool and she placed the mug beneath it. As the stool had small 
holes in it, the water would drain down to the mug easily. Without 
much hesitation but with more tears flowing from her eyes, she knelt 
down one more time and slowly poured the bucket of water on my feet 
and washed it with her right hand. The water dripped slowly into the 
mug. The bucket was empty and Preeti was still kneeling down holding 
my feet. I knew what she wanted me to do. I got down and picked her up. 
Then I fed her the water from the mug. The water was not dirty at
all because my feet were clean. This is just to have the symbolic touch
that she was consuming water from my feet after she had cleaned it. I 
wiped her tears gently and combed my hands through her wet hair as I 
fed her the mug of water. She drank and sobbed more. When it was all 
drunk, I embraced her in a tight hug calming her emotions down.

It was almost dark and cold. Preeti was shivering in the wetness. So I
grabbed the items and guided her back inside the house. Once in
the living room, I sat her down on the sofa and went to the kitchen to
get some food for her. I was really happy that I had mentally
infiltrated Preeti's mind to be a willing submissive for me and also
that she was mentally acknowledging by drinking the water that she was 
bound by it. I was time to drive the point home. “Well, Preeti, I have 
quite a lot of expectations from you. Do you think you can do all of 
what you promised without any problems?” I asked her. She nodded. “So 
then, you should be ready for being punished for any failures,” I said 
in a gentle tone. She willingly nodded. I was pleased that she was 
understanding without any complaints. “Apart from these specific 
punishments, in order to keep our relationship clear in your mind you 
will receive a “maintenance” spanking of 20 strokes every week. I 
decided to use the internet to find some material to convince Preeti
regarding the types of punishments that a husband could impose on a
wife. I clicked on one of the wife punishment sites and browsed for 
a while with Preeti looking on in disbelief of all the pictures that 
were coming up. It was also my intention to give Preeti a glimpse of 
these things so that she did not think that I was weird when I tried 
such methods on her in the future. I finally came to a page where it 
provided suggested types of punishments for disciplining a girl. It 
was categorized from light to heavy with hyperlinks. “Do you want to 
read this?” I asked Preeti. She hesitantly replied “Your choice.” I 
could see the excitement but also the fear in her face. She had all 
the reason to be afraid, afterall it was she who was going to be 
punished. “We don’t have to go on now if you don’t want to,” I offered. 
“Hmmm… I think I... I would also like to continue,” she spoke as if in 
a trance. The webpage had punishments ranging from spanking, caning, 
whipping, enema, bondage, vibrators, clamping and even hot waxing.
“Now don’t de afraid,” I continued, “the punishments would never in 
any circumstances leave permanent marks.” Preeti was much reassured 
at this and happy to agree to these rules for our marriage. “Good 
then, since you have not had any discipline training previously, 
we will start right now.” Her face showed her disbelief. She must 
have thought that the discipline and punishments would start only 
after we returned home. 

"Preeti," I said, “During these training sessions we are not just 
husband and wife. I am also your teacher. You must respect and obey 
my instructions implicitly. Do you understand?” "Yes Sir," she 
replied. “This first session would not be easy because you have not 
experienced this before. You need to be co-operative. If you do not 
co-operate, then I will have to force the issues which would be more 
painful,” I said. I started to sense that she was feeling nervous 
and scared. Never-the-less, she politely said “I will co-operate, 
Sir.” “Alright, we are starting now then. Preeti had no idea of what 
she was to expect and how difficult it would be to accept my 
instructions. “Go to the bathroom, take off all your clothes and 
jewelry, dry yourself and wait for me by standing here naked facing 
this mirror,” I said pointing to a full height mirror in the living room. 
I went to the storage cabinet and took out some rope. When I reentered 
the living room Preeti was standing in front of the mirror as instructed. 
She looked down and blushed as she saw me approaching in the mirror. I 
went and stood behind her. "Okay Preeti, the main purpose of the
training is to experience different types of punishments but in a mild
manner just as a sample," I said. She looked at me and nodded. "Being 
tied up is maybe the very basic of the punishments. It is not a full
punishment of its own but to restrain you for other punishments," I 
said. She nodded again. "So let us become more familiar with this 
basic first. Okay?" "Yes Sir," she replied. I used the long rope and 
started wrapping it around the base of her breasts. She gasped and 
stammered, “Please Sir, what are you doing?” I tied a knot strongly 
around her left boob and said “You are not to be asking questions. 
Just follow as I tell you to. Are we clear on this?” I asked. She 
nodded and her hands fell to her sides in obedience. She was stark 
naked and such a beautiful sight. It was the moment that I had been 
waiting for my whole adult life. I circled the rope around her breasts 
and over her neck on both sides. I pulled on the two strings and tied 
them in her back like a rope bra. I then took her wrists and tied them 
too with the same rope in the back.

“Now, starting with this basic bondage there are two things I want you 
to experience today. The first is being helpless to comfort yourself. 
The second is being bound and helpless to ease the pain," I stated. 
She nodded slightly. "So, let's try the first type to make you bear 
discomfort while bound.” I went to the store room and took out two 
clothes-clips. I tried pressing it and it was not too hard. I walked 
towards Preeti and said "This will hurt but not much." She looked 
fearfully at what was to come. I pinched her left nipple and made it 
hard enough before I attached the first clip. She yelped in pain. 
"That hurts Sir," she said. I ignored her and pinched the right nipple 
to attach the other clip. She yelped again but did not complain this 
time. Her body shook a little as she pulled against the ropes. I then 
went back to the kitchen and got the chilli sauce bottle. I opened it 
and dipped my middle finger inside. I sucked it to taste how hot it 
was. It was quite hot and I guessed it would create decent pain. I 
dipped my middle finger again into the bottle and made sure it was 
covered fully. I then walked to Preeti's back side and inserted my 
finger into her asshole from beneath. At first she gasped at my entry, 
but a few seconds later, she was screaming frantically. "Ahhh....that 
is burning...Ahhh," she screamed. I admired the agony for a few seconds 
and eventually her screams subsided. She started sobbing. I then dipped 
my finger again into the bottle and this time it was for her pussy! Her 
pussy was cleanly shaved and her pussy lips were partially open. Her 
tears were increasing and her shaking was getting worse. I proceeded 
to insert my finger into her pussy. I twisted my finger deep inside for
about two seconds and pulled it out. She gasped for breath as I did that
and when I released it from her cunt she screamed in absolute agony
"Ahhhhhhhhhhh......NO NO NO!!! Ahhhhhh.....I can't I can't." Her head was
shaking from side to side and she couldn't stand it. I just smiled. I
could now hear her cries and tears were streaming down her pretty face. 
I was quite sure that this would burn her anus and cunt for hours to
come, and it would be really painful when she went to pee later. 
"Please untie me! I can't take this! Please, I beg you, please!" she 
cried desperately in pain. "No! This is just the training and you 
should learn to bear at least this because there is a lot more if
you are to be punished," I told her. After a few minutes, her cries 
softened and her shaking eased. She looked at me standing there with 
my arms folded. She gave me a sad look and said "Please Sir. I am so 
sorry that I cried so much. I have always been a good girl and never 
had much punishment. I promise I will learn quickly Sir and be a good 
wife.” “Then you must know that a good wife always takes her discipline 
with grace.” 

"Preeti, I am now going to let you experience some very basic punishment. 
We will start with spanking," I said. She nodded. I pulled her towards the
sofa and I sat in the middle couch of the three-seater sofa. "Lean over
my lap," I instructed. "How?," she asked unsure. I put my hand behind her
back and guided her to lay on my lap. Her head was to my left and her
legs were to my right. Her ass was on my lap. "This is how you will receive 
most of your spanking," I explained. “Your bottom is clearly made for 
spanking. It is round and full. It can take a lot of punishment without 
injury and present a glorious sight when it is glowing red and hot. However, 
other parts of your body, like your inner thighs, breasts and vagina, 
will also be targeted from time-to-time depending on my mood and the 
amount of pain you deserve.” She nodded blankly still trying to absorb 
what I was saying. "I will spank you 10 times on each side and you will 
need to count it. After both sides has received one each, then you say, 
‘One.’ Is that clear?," I asked. She whimpered "Yes Sir." "Good. Let's 
start," I said and landed my first spank on the right. "Ahhh....," she 
yelled. I landed the next one on her left cheek. "Ahhhhh.....One," she 
screamed and kicked out her feet in reflex action. I landed my second 
on the right just as hard. "Ouch...," she yelled again. I then landed 
the second on her left. "Ahhhh........Two," she managed. She bit her lip 
and held herself rigid until the sixth stroke. Her tears were ready to 
pop out but not yet. 

I was relatively gentle with my first few spanks given it was her first
time. For the sixth stroke I raised my hand and slammed it  down on her 
left ass cheek. She couldn’t contain herself any longer and cried out 
as her tears dripped from her face. As the next stroke came down she put 
her hand in the way and stopped it me from fully completing my blow.
I stopped and in a calm voice told her to get off my knee and kneel
before me. She did as instructed still weeping copiously. "For interfering 
in your maintenance you will receive two punishment strokes with my belt 
on your bottom. You punishment is lenient as this is your first spanking,
but future transgressions will be dealt with more severely." I positioned 
her in a kneeling position with her bottom in the air and her forehead on 
the floor. Preeti’s eyes started to tear profusely when I withdrew my 
belt from my trousers. She gave a loud scream as I brought the belt 
down across her bottom. Her little scream had begun to die down when I 
belted her again, the thick leather indenting her bubble-butt ass flesh. 
After I gave her the two strokes I stopped and caressed her pussy. 
Instinctively she pushed up against my hand as I rubbed her. Then I 
made her get back onto my my knee and receive the remaining fourteen 
strokes from my hand. I spanked her hard and fast and she cried out with 
each one. The count was forgotten but I forgave her, this being her first 

Her head was buried into the couch. I ran my hand over her back
and looked at the ass cheeks which had turned bright pink. "Are you
okay?," I asked. She nodded still whimpering. "That is all for now," 
I announced. She lifted her head from the couch and looked back up at 
me. “Thank you Sir," she said still sobbing but trying to force a smile. 
"Don't worry Preeti," I said and combed her hair with my fingers. I
untied her wrists and ankles and removed the rope from her body. I then
pulled her up to kiss her on the lips. She closed her eyes and then 
slowly opened them to look into mine. I could plainly see the feelings 
of love sweep over her as the fierce stinging in her bottom turned to
heat and glow. I was very aroused by then and needed to relieve myself. 
He told her to kneel again and as she did so I held my hugely erect 
up in front of her tearful eyes. He told her to clasp her hands behind 
her head and open her mouth. Then taking a handful of her hair I 
positioned the head of my cock and pulled her open mouth onto my penis 
until it filled her mouth fully. 

“No… Augghhh…! Preeti gagged. “Please, doesn’t it go down below?” 
“Preeti, you silly girl! This is oral sex. I want you to suck and 
lick my cock,” I explained. “Use your mouth to stimulate me as much 
as you can. I want you to think of my cock as a symbol of myself just 
like the Shivling is the embodiment of Lord Shiva. You must minister 
to my member as if you are worshipping it with all the devotion you 
can manage. You must learn to love the presence of it in your mouth 
as much as you desire it in your cunt. A good wife must desire to 
meet every possible want of her husband’s penis with every part of 
her body.” Preeti’s mouth stretched as I worked her head back a 
forth a little using her hair. “Now I am going to push into your 
throat,” I explained, “and when you feel the head of my cock there 
you must make a swallowing action to allow it to enter easily. It is 
ok if you gag at first, but with repeated effort you will be able to 
receive me fully.” I tried a couple of times but her throat reacted 
violently each time causing her to cough and choke, bringing tears to 
her eyes. After about thirty minutes of this training, during which 
I allowed her long periods of gentle sucking without testing her 
throat, I was ready to ejaculate. I said, “Preeti, I am about ready 
to blow now, so hold your tongue under the tip. You may as well 
get used to the taste right away.” Preeti froze trying to prepare 
for what I was going to do in her mouth. Even so, it was a great 
shock to her a few seconds later to feel my cock pulsating and for 
her mouth to be flooded with semen as I held her head firmly in 
place. She coughed and some of my cum splashed out from around her 
lips and onto my clothing. I lifted my softening penis away. “Look 
up at me with your mouth open Preeti,” I demanded. Still a little 
dazed she obeyed. The gobs of cum spilling from the edges of her 
mouth onto her upper slopes of her quivering breasts and the tears 
of humiliation in her eyes were like the ultimate aphrodisiac to 
me. I savored the sight for whole minutes before I gave her my 
permission to drink it all down. She did so although she found it 
very difficult that first time. Her mouth was full of stickiness 
and it would not go down easily. Nevertheless, she swallowed it 
all on the third try. By then I was half hard again. But I knew 
I needed something more to get me all the way hard.

Luckily I had another excuse to punish her. She had spilled some 
of my cum onto my clothes. “Preeti, do you know what you did 
wrong here?” I asked sternly. “Yes Sir, I spoiled your clothes. 
I will wash them right away.” “Off course you will. But before 
that do you think you deserve punishment?” “Yes Sir,” she mumbled 
hesitantly. “Now since I have already spanked your ass, you will 
take this punishment on your breasts.” Her eyes grew large as 
saucers in fear. Still obeying my commands she went and knelt 
before the bedroom mirror with her hands still tied behind her 
head. I picked up my belt again and folded it to take the buckle 
and opposite end into my right hand. Preeti trembled and tears 
welled up in her eyes before rolling down her rosy cheeks and 
splattering on to her heaving breasts and mixing with my drying 
cum. In a firm voice I told her that she was going to get twenty 
lashes. “But do not fear about lasting damage. I already gave 
you my word on that. Breasts are beautiful things to be enjoyed 
and they become even more beautiful when striped with welts and 
colored with many shades of bruising. Tits are mainly fat and 
all the vital organs underneath are protected by the ribs. That 
makes them ideal for bondage and punishment. Men love to play 
with women’s breasts. Tit torture simply takes it to a higher 
level of enjoyment. Are you ready my love?” She turned towards 
me a gave me a nod and a smile. She was well on her way to becoming 
the perfect submissive for my BDSM desires. 

I raised my arm and she watched the belt in the mirror as it 
arced down with a terrible crack. I had not held anything back. 
With my obsession with breasts I figured there was no point 
delaying the pleasure I was dreaming about for so long. This is 
why I had married a traditional Indian bride, one who would 
be too innocent to understand the difference between discipline 
and torture. The pain must have been awful. Preeti jerked mightily 
and gave a screech. "Ahhhhhheeeiiii…” "This is tit whipping," I 
said, as much to myself as to her, trying to convince myself that 
my fantasies of absolutely dominating a gorgeous woman especially 
by punishing her breasts were finally coming true. I could see a 
bright red mark arise immediately along the top of the slashed 
globe. The pain was exploding deep inside her swelling tissue and 
I had to give her a moment to fully appreciate it. Instead of 
striking her immediately, I walked around to her frontside and 
positioned myself to whip her other breast.

I landed the second stroke with perfect precision matching the 
first. She screamed again in pain. I landed one more and she 
screamed even louder. The punishment continued alternately to her 
breasts until the tenth stroke when she toppled over and curled 
her breasts into her thighs as the belt hit the same nipple for the 
second or third time. I knew that if Preeti was to become the 
perfect wife, I could not afford to show her mercy during these 
training sessions. So I grabbed her by her hair and pulled her back 
on to her knees again. For the next four strokes I smashed both 
her nipples deep into her tit flesh from the front. Each time she 
cried out pitiably but the belting continued. For the last six 
strokes I had her lay on her back on the bed so that I could hit 
the unmarked lower parts of her breasts. When this last stage of 
the punishment was finished, I kissed each of her bruised and 
swollen breasts before untying her bindings. As she knelt Preeti 
watched her breasts change color from brilliant red with purple 
patches where the blows had overlapped, to a darker shades of blue. 
They had swollen significantly and different from their usual shape. 

“How do you feel?” I asked. Her answer truly surprised me. “I am 
so sorry I doubted you. Please forgive me. I thought my breasts 
were ruined for sure. But they are not even bleeding. The burning 
pain is already subsiding and the heat seeping from my breasts 
throughout my body feels so strange, but good as well.” “Very good, 
Preeti! You are learning excellently!” I said drawing her up for 
a kiss. I was hard again and raring to go at the only virgin hole 
she had left. Instead to having to explain to her all the details 
I decided to go online to show her what I wanted to do. The video, 
rather crudely entitled "ass2mouth", showed a very young woman who 
was probably barely out of her teens, being penetrated in the mouth 
and bottom simultaneously by two older men. Every few minutes the
men exchanged positions until it ended with both men ejaculating into
her mouth. I explained to Preeti that bacteria contained in the 
bowel and rectum could cause infection if transferred to the vagina, 
but the digestive system was equipped to deal with this and no harm 
would occur from moving the penis directly from the anus to the mouth. 
I told her that the film makers liked to use a young woman, not only 
because she was pretty, but because it accentuates the presentation 
of submission that the men are about thirty years older than her and 
that there are two men using her at the same time. Most dramatically 
of all, for the woman to be required to accept the penises directly 
from her bottom to her mouth gives additional pleasure to the men 
(and, of course, the viewers of the video) to have a woman accept 
something that would be instinctively distasteful. Although the 
video was just a commercial product for which the woman was being 
paid, the nature of the power relationship and pleasure aspects 
could apply to us. “I think that it is time for you to accept this 
further duty to reinforce your surrender, to fulfill your wifely duty 
to accept your husband’s decisions on how and when to have sex, and 
to increase my pleasure to your fullest extent in our lovemaking.”

To innocent Preeti all of this must have sounded rational and 
reasonable enough. She said, “After all, if a some girl can do 
this for money with two unattractive strangers, I can obviously 
do it for my loving husband.” I started making love to her vaginally 
and then when she felt hot enough I made her kneel over the edge 
of the bed and pressed the head of my penis against her rear hole. 
I told her to relax and clasped her shoulders as I pushed against 
the sphincter muscle. With a rush it opened and a few inches of my 
dick entered. “Oh God, it hurtsssss… I am going to split!” she 
screamed in pain. I smacked her bottom and she cried out again, but 
she made no move to get away. I started to move myself in and out 
of her and spanked her with both hands as I did so. After a little 
while the discomfort of my penetration decreased and her warmed up 
bottom lost some of its tension. I stopped spanking and rubbed her 
clitoris. Then I put my fingers inside her cunt to feel the movement 
of my penis in her ass. As I massaged her clitoris and vagina she 
relaxed more and more until I felt both of our orgasms building. As 
her excitement rose she must have remembered the video and realized 
that I was not going to complete my climax in her bottom. The reality 
of what was to happen clouded her mind. She lost all enjoyment 
instantly and I could immediately notice that she was not responding 
as she was before. I withdrew from her rectum with a 'plop' and
commanded "mouth" as I turned onto my back. Preeti moved her head 
down towards me and I gripped her hair as I quickly come to like. 
But then, just as the head of my penis approached her lips she smelt 
a different odor than normal. She panicked and wriggled back. But she 
was back within moments. “I… I can’t,” she said, “please make me.” 
I grabbed more of her hair as I pushed myself right into her throat. 
I could manage just one or two thrusts before I felt my balls tighten 
up and I ejaculated. As my semen started to spurt into her throat I 
pulled back a little so that I filled her mouth. This time she kept 
her lips tight round me and made sure that she swallowed every drop 
before licking me thoroughly clean.

When she had finished she thanked me for her punishment and for the 
wonderful lovemaking. She promised me that she would never again refuse 
me sex whenever, wherever and however I wanted it. I said “I know."
We pulled the bed covers over us and went to sleep in each others arms. 
The day following the breast flogging Preeti had very clear stripes 
across them which were slightly raised. Her ass was sore as well. 
Understandably she did not want to go on the sight seeing tour that 
I had planned for that day. I did not want to miss it so I went alone. 
When I came back she met me at the door with a hug and a kiss. She 
was wearing a blue chiffon (see-through) saree with a very low cut 
blouse that closed in the front. Even with that she had left the 
top two hooks unsnapped. Clearly she wasn’t wearing a bra. “Are 
your tits hurting that badly?” I asked concerned. “No,” she smiled, 
“As I tidied up around the cabin I got a little thrill each time I 
saw the stripes on my breasts.” “Why?” I asked puzzled. “The breasts 
are such a part of a woman’s pride in her beauty. By marking them up 
you have really put your mark on me. Today I really felt that I was 
owned by my husband, that I truly belong to you. It made me feel 
safe and warm.” I then kissed the exposed part of each breast before 
saying, “If you wish to display yourself, do so properly. Remove your 
clothes now and remain naked until your marks are gone." Poor Preeti 
had to stay nude for the full five days remaining in our honeymoon. 
Initially I missed her on my day trips, but it was incredibly 
arousing to know that she was always naked and ready waiting for me 
to come ravish her at my whim.


PART 4 Her first Karwachauth

After our honeymoon we returned to my home in Canada. Free from the 
prying eyes in India, our married life truly blossomed here. Preeti 
learned that to me she was at her most beautiful naked, on her knees, 
with my prick in her mouth as she looks up at me with loving eyes, 
her tits freshly striped by my whip or cane. She filled with joy when 
I held her head by her hair and fucked her throat. When I came she 
showed me her mouthful before swallowing it all down. She drank my cum 
and my piss every day. She got a firm maintenance spanking at least 
once a week and if she displeased me in any way I would give her a 
punishment spanking with a cane, crop, whip or paddle. She cried when 
she was punished, but she knew I had to be stern with her for her 
own good. When I finished she would thank me for her correction and 
then cuddled up to feel the warmth of my love and to relax in the 
security that I gave to her. 

Not long after our return from our honeymoon was the happiest time
of our lives when Preeti became pregnant. By this time she was 
completely accustomed to her maintenance spankings which served to 
remind her of her role and my promises. I explained to her that the 
routine would continue throughout pregnancy, but as she became large 
I would stop taking her over the knee but allow her to take her 
spanking bent over the edge of the bed. This worked very well. I took
great care to avoid punishments that might injure her in the belly 
area. Some were done quite safely on her bottom and she did get the
belt and cane on her inner thighs. This was horribly painful, but
presented no risk at all to her or the baby. We have a private doctor 
and the midwife was also arranged through this family practice used by 
my parents as well as us. This meant that she did not have to see a 
lot of different people during her pregnancy and we could rely on their
discretion. Nevertheless, she did have marks sometimes when she was 
examined and although there was no mention of it she certainly felt 
self conscious. In the late stages of her pregnancy, I stopped taking 
her vaginally, but she continued to take me in the mouth each day and 
I would have her bottom whenever I chose. Close to the correct time 
she started to get contractions and I telephoned my mother and the 
doctor. It was arranged for my mother to take her to the hospital 
where she was given a private room. I arrived in the late afternoon 
as soon as I was able to get away from work. She was comfortable and 
the doctor told me that she was not expected to deliver for some 
time, but she would be staying in hospital until it happened. I 
asked my mother to leave us alone for a few minutes and after ensuring 
that Preeti was comfortable I had her take me in her mouth. She sucked 
me until I was hard and then I thrust into her throat. I ejaculated 
within a few minutes, much more quickly than I usually do, and she 
had a contraction just as I shot my semen into her mouth. After
calling in my mother, I then left them alone with instructions for 
the hospital to call me before the birth. My beautiful son Rahul was 
born in the early hours of the next morning in my presence. It was a 
straight forward birth without complications and Preeti was able to 
leave the hospital in time for her next maintenance session. We never 
missed a day of my using her mouth. 

After she had settled into motherhood I told her, “Your maintenance is 
no longer adequate to keep our marriage in the condition that it 
requires. Our son is the most precious thing in our lives, but you are 
not putting as much care and attention into our home and meeting my 
requirements as you did before he was born. You must learn to keep up 
your wifely duties whatever new responsibilities and loves enter your 
life. From now on I will drink from you as well, your milk, to remind 
you that every part of your body belongs first to me. Now go and 
prepare to be punished as you have never been before.”  I belted and 
caned her on the bottom and thighs and gave her a severe breast 
flogging. The breast punishment was delivered with her kneeling, 
facing a full length bedroom mirror. Her hands were clasped behind 
her with her shoulders thrust back. This way she could watch every 
stroke of the flogger coming and see the marks rise up on her breasts 
as tears rolled down her face and milk oozed from her nipples. After 
the punishment I instructed her to stay where she was. She knelt there 
for about half an hour seeing her breasts change in color and shape 
as the bruising settled. The initial thin, red lines spread and turned 
purple as drops of milk fell to the carpet, staining the area in front 
of the mirror. Later when I drank from her, my face basked in the 
warmth of her burning breasts. 

Of course, over time I gradually began to introduce her to stronger 
and stronger punishments. The most effective way of opening up her 
horizons was to show her the movies of the French Master Gerard and 
his girls. Nothing fired Preeti’s imagination and awe quite like 
watching those girls giving of themselves so freely — the stinging 
nettles for so long not just on their breasts but trailed across 
plump cunt lips, the hard exercises with nipples severely clamped, 
breasts flapping and bouncing on to their sweat-glistened torsos, 
the heavy, sharp-spiked balls swinging from her neck collar to bang 
and prick their bouncing breasts, the pin-sharp spikes actually 
sticking in the flesh, leaning their breasts forward over a candle, 
and then slowly letting their hard, erect nipples swing directly 
into the flame.

A month later came her first Karwachauth, the ** ritual of the 
wife worshipping and celebrating her husband. For the full day she 
fasted, not drinking even a drop of water. In the afternoon she 
prepared herself for the evening rituals, rubbing herself with 
fragrant oils after a cleansing bath. When I retuned home from 
office she was ready. I opened the door to a breathtaking sight. 
Preeti was dressed in one of her many dance costumes. Except this 
one had been heavily modified. It had started out as one of the 
trendy backless ghagra cholis seen in many Bollywood movies. The 
dress included a choli with a deep neckline ending just below her 
nipples combined with a ghagra that began below the navel leaving 
her midriff, back, and the top of her breasts deliciously exposed. 
Preeti had folded up the skirt and stitched it up so that it now 
came barely to mid thigh. The choli had been completely decimated. 
The ornate breast cups and rich brocade edging had been cut out and 
stitched onto a halter neck lingerie bra to create a dance costume 
far sexier than even the raciest of Hindi movies. 

Preeti bent low in deep obeisance, the open neck of her top showing 
the round mounds of her overflowing breasts beautifully. She took 
my hand and drew me to the couch and made me sit there like a prince 
on a throne about to be entertained by the royal courtesan. My eyes 
ogled her from toe to breasts. Going to the side table she turned on 
the dance music. The music was loud and pulsing and she instantly 
fell into a trance-like state enveloped in its sensuous beat. She 
swayed to the center of the room and put her hands together in a 
traditional namaste pose and bowed respectfully. My cock lurched in 
my pants when I saw this humble gesture. She raised her hands gave 
her hips a carefree thrust in time with the music. She picked up the 
tempo with her hips until her bangles and anklets gave a constant, 
thrilling sound. The music turned from fast to a slow rhythmic beat 
and she stretched her arms as far as possible to the sides and shook 
her breasts to the music. I could see her hardening nipples chaff 
against the material of the cups sending erotic signals to the primal 
regions of my brain. She bent over revealing as much of herself as 
possible and shook her charms as sensually as she could. I stared 
wide-eyes as I ogled her breasts. By that point she was also becoming 
a total sexual animal. She caressed her body with her hands as her 
hips undulated in erotic pelvic thrusts. Then she turned and offered 
a perfect view of her ass moving in a slow sensuous rhythm to the beat 
just the way she had seen the most lascivious item girls do it in the 
movies. She looked over her shoulder at me brazenly, then dropped her 
eyelids in a humble shy fashion that drove me crazy. She spun her body 
in a quick circle once, hesitated, and then three times again until 
she faced me. I was stroking my manhood through my jeans by that point. 
She almost lost her rhythm when she saw that. She smiled broadly and 
began undulating her hips as sexily as she could while thrusting her 
breasts from back to front in time with her hips. She then licked her 
lips seductively and twirled again and again fast enough that I could 
see that she was wearing nothing under her skirt to cover her charms.
I released my erection and immediately it became the center of her 
world. I cannot remember her even looking at my face after my weapon 
was revealed. It was the object of her worship but she felt compelled 
to give me the best show possible first. She turned away from me and 
shook her ass in a blur of sexual motion. she undid the clasp at the 
front of her modified bra top and dropped it to the floor. She reached 
her arms as far as she could to the sides and shook her shoulders 
while still facing away from me. Like the belly dancers we had seen on 
the internet she wanted to tease me and reveal her charms seductively 
and slowly. She looked back over her shoulder at my raging cock and 
then lowered her eyes demurely in feigned shyness. She turned with a 
hand cupped over each breast. Then she gyrated her hips to the 
throbbing beats of the music as she slowly revealed all of her breasts 
to my devouring gaze.

As the music ended, Preeti positively glowing with a sheen of sweat, 
threw herself at my feet. As is custom on Karwachauth, she looked 
through a sieve at the full moon outside the window and then back up 
at me. Bringing a basin of water she washed my feet and drank the 
sweat and dirt infused water as if it was the sweetest elixir. I 
could see the raw love and devotion in her eyes. There was no shame 
or doubt in her actions. She belonged to me and she reveled in it. 
With all of the water around I suddenly needed to empty my bladder. 
Just as I was about to go to the bathroom she caught my arm. "Please 
don't waste it" she cried. “If I am to properly worship your penis 
as a symbol of your dominion over me, then I must consume everything 
that comes out of it.” She immediately knelt between my legs on the 
floor. “Please piss in my mouth. Let me be your toilet.” I had never 
felt more loved or wanted in my life. Quickly I kissed her mouth 
before placing my soft penis in it. I did not have to wait long 
before my urine started to flow. To begin with, the flow was not 
very fast and she swallowed as it came, but soon it turned into a 
torrent and she could not handle it. She coughed and my penis shot 
out of her mouth and I splattered my piss all over her face, hair,
and breasts. Quickly I brought it under control and moved to get up 
and go to the bathroom. Again she barred my way. “Please let me try 
again. Let me take all you have. I want to be your urinal all the time, 
not just for today." This time she received the full contents of my 
bladder without mishap, kneeling under me with her head tilted back, 
continuously swallowing with an open mouth however much I poured into 

Sucking the last drops directly from the tip of my cock she rose to 
fetch the puja thali on which rested the flowers and an oil lamp 
with which she had prayed to god for my safety and success. She 
worshipped me as she had her god, moving the platter in circles 
around my head before bending down to touch my feet and ask for 
my blessings. Then standing back up she said, “Sir, when you showed 
me the films of the French Master, it seemed unbelievable to me 
that such gorgeous girls would be willing to offer, and even get 
excited by the idea of offering, their most valuable treasures as 
a present of their femininity to their Master. To do that, to have 
that strength, to take that tit-pain, to give the gift of their 
suffering - and even more than just their suffering, their strength. 
It is a profound sacrifice, but one the girls made willingly. On this 
most sacred of occasions between a husband and wife, please let me 
promise the same to you. I want you to train me, like he trains those 
girls on the videos. I want to go through everything, full 
tit-training, as hard as you can do it. I want to be able to take 
anything for you.” She held the puja thali up to me, rising to her 
knees, her hands rising to clasp together behind her neck, the round, 
creamy full breasts rising heavily, the big nipples pointing starkly 
forward. “With our sessions, you make sure that nothing can be 
damaged. But with Gerard, it is different. His girls give him their 
breasts not just to train, but eventually to ‘break’ as he calls it. 
A girl can offer her man nothing more valuable than such precious 
assets as her breasts, to be broken, especially when they are 
beautiful. Please break my tits if you want to like he breaks 
theirs.” “No, I don’t,” I replied quickly. “But anyway I don't 
think that could happen. Your breasts are smaller than most of 
Gerard's girls. They need to be big and heavy to be broken properly.”
“So what of mine would you like to break?” asked my beautiful slave 

My hand slid back to her breast, gently rolling the thick nipple 
between finger and thumb. Slowly I increased the pressure. She closed 
her eyes, sucking in her breath, savoring the increasing pain. I 
squeezed for as long and as hard as my white-knuckled fingers would 
allow. Preeti panted loudly, her breaths coming in short gasps, but 
still she held her hands away from mine, the signal that she would 
continue to take it. Eventually, I let go. “These,” I said. “Your 
nipples, darling - your fantastic nipples. I'd take them and break 
them until they were stretched as long as a baby's thumb, as thickened 
as a cheroot, and as toughened as old leather.” “Then let me give you 
that gift,” she whispered huskily. She stared as if transfixed at the 
flame of the oil lamp with which she had worshipped me. Then she 
leaned forward, slowly, deliberately and began to recite, “My husband…” 
Her nipple touched the flame. “…is my Master AAAHHH!!!" The flame was 
stunningly hot as it kissed her nipple. Preeti forced herself to put 
it back there in the flame. “…MySwamiismyGodandIamhisslave. OHMYGOD!!" 
She gasped and jerked back slightly, shaking her head. "No!" she told 
herself firmly. She bit her lip, determined to do it right. She 
quickly placed her nipple back in the flame. "MaytheGodsblesshim
foreverOHGOD!HURRY!" How it must have hurt! “…andbringhimalifeofpeace 
andprosperityAAAHHHH!!!" She jerked her right nipple from the flame. 
Her breathing came heavy and her pulse raced. My dick was hard as 
steel. She was really going to do the whole thing, I thought to 
myself. It was all I could do to hold the lamp steady. Preeti 
tried to remain calm and prepared to continue her sacrifice. "Lean 
forward, just lean forward,” She chanted to herself, slowly 
positioning her left nipple over the flame. “My husband…” The flame 
kissed her nipple. “…is my Master OHGOD! MySwamiismyGodAAHH!!andIam
hisslaveOHMYGOD!!!MaytheGodsblesshimforeverHURRY!HURRY!HURRY! andbring
himalifeofPEACEandOHMYGOD!!!!PROSPERITY!” she almost shouted as she 
threw her head back. 

I held the tray and moved it around her breasts in circles just as 
she had done “aarti” for me before. The difference was that I let 
the flame of the oil lamp flutter and play over the sensitive 
under curves of her breasts, leaving reddened trails in its wake. 
The delicate globes quivered and milk began to squirt out as though 
they were under pressure. I quickly wrapped my lips around her tender 
nipple, sucking her milk greedily while bring the flame closer and 
closer. I suddenly stopped sucking, and directly positioned the 
heart of the flickering flame over the center of Preeti’s nipple tip.
I held it there for a few seconds before moving it over to the 
other breast. I alternated between the two shuddering globes never 
lingering long enough to cause serious burns. “Oh god, my nipple is 
on fire!” she screamed. “No, it isn’t,” she immediately rebuked 
herself, half blabbering in pain. She was determined to endure her 
sacrifice, no matter the consequences. “Say your prayer again,” I 
commanded, “five times in all.” Without thinking, she immediately 
plunged her right nipple again into the flame. "MyhusbandismyMaster
SLOW-DOWN!" she ordered herself. "My Swami is my God and I am his 
slave." She wanted to scream from the agony. "May the Gods… b-bless 
him forever and…,” trembling she forced herself to hold her nipple 
to the flame, “…and b-bring him a life of peace and PROSPERITY!” 
"OH GOD!" she whispered, nearly doubled over in pain. It was awful. 
I thought that her poor nipple was burned off. But it wasn't. The 
oils she had anointed herself with were acting as a protective 
layer. She would still have first degree burns but nothing else 
that would take more than a few days to heal.

Once more she placed her hands behind her head and leaned forward, 
shuddering. She lowered herself to the flame - her left nipple again. 
"My husband is my M-Master. My S-Swami is my God and I am his 
s-slave,” she whispered. “M-May the Gods b-bless him forever…” She 
was shaking in pain, “…and b-bring him a life of peace-peace and…,” 
stammering, “pros-prosperity,” she said aloud. Copiously crying now 
she brought her right nipple to the flame. “M-My husband is m-my 
Master…” Preeti thought of Sita, who was consigned to the flames 
by her husband Lord Ram himself. “…My Swa-Swami is-is my God and-and 
I am his s-slave…“ I was just a boy when I heard how Indian female 
freedom fighters, mere girls themselves, smiled as the hot tongs of 
the British torturers grasped and twisted their nipples. "M-May the 
Gods bless-bless him for-forever…” How must it have felt to them to 
have their nipples squeezed and twisted brutally by torturers using 
hot tools like that, I had wondered. "and-and b-bring him a l-life 
of-of…” How could they smile when their nipples were tortured? 
“p-peace and p-prosperity," my wife stammered through her prayer. 
Pain overwhelmed her senses. She wanted to scream in agony, but 
determined to experience every second of her sacrifice she brought 
her her left nipple to the flame. It was red and so very, very tender, 
but eager for it's turn. This time she had vowed to say her prayer as 
slowly and deliberately as she could. "“M-My husband is-is m-my 
Master. My Swami is-is m-my God and…” Her pretty eyes fluttered. 
“…and I am his slave. May the Gods bless him…” "SLOWLY!" she ordered 
herself. “…and…bring…him…a…life…of…peace…and…” Pause. "…prosperity,” 
she whispered aloud, and then slowly removed her nipple from the kiss 
of the flame.

Preeti wanted to collapse. How it must have burned for her! Her 
nipples were long and aching and must have felt like they were just 
ruined, but I could see no lasting damage. Could they take more of 
her sacrifice? - even more punishment? From a cupboard I plucked a 
long sewing needle and placed it in her right hand. With her left 
hand she soothed and secured her right nipple, noticing the ***** 
fleck of blood and the raw skin she had left. My wife’s resolve 
never weakened. She started the process of pushing the needle 
straight in - right into her milk-duct, so that it would go through 
the nipple deep into her breast. She had to push hard, much harder 
than she thought possible, and it hurt violently, causing tears to 
come to her eyes. But finally, the needle slipped in, deep into 
her body until about an inch was left exposed. It was more difficult 
for her to pin her left nipple the same way with another long needle. 
She prayed through tears as she did so, for the strength to continue 
and finish her task. She succeeded after several painful minutes in 
pushing the second needle deep within her. It was time again, for 
the flame. This was going to hurt a lot more than anything she had 
endured up to now! I knew it, she knew it. The whole idea was for 
the flame to burn her nipple and heat the needle deep within her 
breast. The fact that the needle would also torture the entire length 
of her throbbing nipple was just icing on the cake as far as I was 
concerned. Preeti took a deep, sighing breath. She leaned forward 
once again to wash her nipple in the flame of the candle. Starting 
again with the right nipple, she began, “My husband is my Master…” 
She recited deliberately. “…My Swami is my God and I am his slave." 
She could feel the heat burning in her nipple. She could feel it 
rising in her breast. "May the Gods bless him forever…”  She was 
trembling in agony.  “…and-and b-bring him…,” she stuttered in a 
whisper. “a life of peace and-and prosperity.” AAAAHHHH!!!! She 
nearly screamed. The end of the needle was glowing. A blister 
formed and burst at the tip. She took her nipple from the flame, 
but it still burned! Incredulously I watched as weak and shaking 
with exhaustion she leaned forward and dipped her left nipple into 
the flame. "My husband is my Master. My Swami is my God (SLOWLY!) 
and. I. am. his. slave. May. the. Gods. bless. him. forever. and. 
bring. him. a. life. of. peace. and. prosperity.” "Oh. My. God!!!" 
"Oh my God!!” "OHMYGOD!" The pain would not stop! It travelled from 
her poor nipple deep within her breast and caused her to want to 
jump and thrash. But Preeti did not want to disturb the baby. She 
had to be quiet!

And yet she was not done. It was supposed to be five times for 
each of her poor nipples to complete her sacrifice, and so far, 
it was only four. "Once more for each,” she gasped in a panic. With 
a glorious resolve, my darling wife once more lowered her right 
nipple to the flame. “My Swami…” she whispered aloud, “is my God, 
and I am his slave.” The agony in her nipple was like a piercing 
scream. "I rest my head at his feet in complete servitude.” The 
needle glowed red just beyond the flame burning her. Could it be 
glowing red inside her nipple also? "May all my pride and ego be 
stripped from me as I stand today before him humble and naked.” 
The flame filled her sight and it filled her being. She slowly 
withdrew from the candle, and let the agony wash over her right 
breast, emanating from deep inside. Preeti was beyond pain. She 
knelt trembling for a full minute before she could calm herself, 
but then she felt an inner peace and strength coming from deep 
within her body. This time she focused on the flame. She watched 
it every second as she said her prayer, every second that she held 
herself to it. Slowly, she lowered her breast so her nipple would 
kiss the flame one last time. She recited slowly, ”My husband is 
my Master. My Swami is my God and I am his slave. I rest my head 
at his feet in complete servitude. I offer my pain today as a 
symbol of my heart, my body and my soul."  No! Was it done?  I 
didn't want her sacrifice to end! I was so close. Preeti still 
held her nipple to the flame and continued to pray. "May the Gods 
bless him forever and bring him a life of peace and prosperity." 
I shuddered in my orgasm, the strongest of my life!

Spent and exhausted, my poor wife collapsed onto the floor with 
her nipples throbbing in agony, the hot needles still embedded 
in them. As she lay there I couldn’t help thinking how beautiful 
she looked as she did her sacrifice. She rose at the baby’s cries. 
It was feeding time again. Fat tears rolling down her cheeks she 
pulled out the diabolic needles stuck to the internal mammary 
flesh by the heat of the flames. Biting her lips, her body shaking 
in pain, she waited for the fresh bleeding to stop. Then carefully 
she held our child to her nipples, each one in turn, still red 
raw from the burns, until he had had his fill. She gently put him 
back to sleep in his cot, then came and knelt at my feet. “Please 
my Lord, continue my training. This worthless slave exists solely 
to fulfill your each and every whim. Wreak your every frustration 
and anger on my body until you are satisfied.” “Fine, then go, 
crawl like a bitch, and tear off two dozen nettle branches and 
wait for me in the garden. Choose nice branches! Nice and long.” 
I watched in sadistic amusement as she scrambled on all fours, 
her mammaries swaying like a cow’s udders. In a few minutes she 
returned zigzagging her way back through the nettles and carrying 
well away from her body a truly diabolical bouquet. I put down a 
bunch on the ground and then I pushed her on her ass with my foot. 
She had just the time to pull back her head as far as possible 
before she fell tits first into the bunch of nettles. Immediately 
she curled up, lifting her bust off the nettles. But I was not in 
the mood for any of that. With my foot I kicked away her right arm 
making her crash back onto the nettles. Quickly I brought four pegs 
and a hammer and planted the pegs into the ground, attaching her 
ankles and wrists to them. They spread her legs to the maximum. I 
also wore gloves around my hands to protect them from the sting of 
the nettles. 

The scene was truly superb. I circled my wife, tied down spread-
eagled and naked in the nettles. Her squashed mammaries bulged out 
fetchingly at both sides. Being careful not to prick myself, I 
grabbed the mammaries pinching the skin between my fingers, tearing 
the boobs out completely from under her bust. Her pussy was totally 
exposed, the sex gaping open, her little brown inner labia trembling 
nervously. Her mammaries lying on their bed of nettles were 
completely pulled from under her bust, which shook and spasmed under 
her sobs. Crouching down between her legs, I amused myself, making 
her shake and shudder by brushing the branches down the sides and 
the crack of her buttocks, and her inner thighs. Preeti struggled 
wildly and whined continuously through her hellish torment. The 
fresh nettles almost immediately raised nice blotches all over her 
skin. Sadistically I let the branches travel down the crack of her 
bum, making up and down movements to increase the friction. The 
nettles set fire to her anus. Preeti cried out beautifully in 
response, almost tearing out the pegs as she wildly thrashed about. 
Still crouched between her wide-spread legs, I focused on her labia. 
I ran the vicious branches between the tenderized lips and across 
the bloated clitoris, before forcing the stems into her vagina. 
Preeti tore at her restraints. The burning in her sex was too 
atrocious. Her entire body shook and shuddered from the abominable 
agony. She had promised me a full measure of her pain, and I was 
determined to have it! 

I grabbed some branches and, in an act of utter cruelty, introduced 
them one by one into her anus. Picking up the longest and the most 
supple branches I ran them up and down her spread legs before 
savagely whipping her back and ass with them. Then I brutally 
pinched one of her tits, lifting it off the ground, and slid the 
branches under the bust. I took some more branches, whipped the 
thighs anew, the buttocks, and the naked back, before picking up 
the other tit and sliding the nettles under it. I took yet more 
nettles and caressed Preeti’s sides and tits, before throwing them 
onto the mammary mounds and crushed them with my shoes, until milk 
seeped from the titty tips. The droplets of milk glistened in the 
sun on the nettle leaves. Back and forth I went, from one tit to 
the other, crushing each in turn under my abrasive soles until she 
howled in agony. The muscles of her entire body, most of all those 
of her thighs and buttocks trembled in nervous spasms. I untied 
her, forced her onto her back and retrained her again. Her face 
was soaked in tears. Her belly, her bust, her tits were all in a 
lamentable state, covered in blotches, diverse scratches and nettle 
leaves. I took yet another handful of fresh nettles stroking now 
the entire front of her body, letting them run several times across 
her breasts, before starting to whip her tits with the branches.
She shook her head from side to side, desperately trying to stifle 
her screams, unaware that her mute suffering goaded me to greater 
brutality. I whipped her tits with full force and in rapid tempo, 
sending the mammaries swaying from one side to the other. I 
switched positions, left, right, above her head, conducting the 
infernal dance of her tits from every angle. Swinging in full 
movement, smacking back onto her torso, the mammaries danced in 
every sense of the word under a deluge of cruel strokes.

I set the branches down for a moment to secure the pegs deeper into 
the ground so as to prevent them from being torn out by Preeti’s 
desperate attempts to break free. This time I completely let loose, 
whipping her milk-spraying tits with absolute abandon until the 
branches were stripped of all the leaves. I threw down the nettles 
onto her bust and grabbed the last set of branches. This time I 
whipped right between her legs, before turning my attention back 
to her tits. With a bunch of nettles in each hand, protected from 
the poison by my gloves, I grabbed hold of her breasts, kneading 
them savagely, and pulled them to the centre of her chest, 
trapping between the globes the branches laying on her bust. I 
continued to squeeze and grind the mammaries with the nettles, 
pressing one against the other, smacking them together, crushing 
them and rubbing them up against the stinging leaves, her own milk 
serving to spread the stinging juice over the welted skin. A squeal 
of absolute horror came from her throat. Her entire body stiffened, 
then went into some type of spasm as she proceeded to lose control 
of her bladder. I watched in fascination as she pissed herself, the 
sweat, blood, and mother’s milk soaked earth now darkening from the 
urine squirting from her. Then picking up the nettles again I began 
to give that cunt the hell it richly deserved. My arm rose and fell 
with mechanical precision as I tried to turn that fat-lipped grotto 
into a pulp. Each blow caused her to lunge mindlessly against the 
strips holding her in place. I began to try to time my blows so that 
some smashed into that lunging plump mound at its zenith. Those were 
the most satisfying hits, as it seemed she was deliberately offering 
her most sensitive area to be kissed by the fiery pain that I was 
generating. The lips of her cunt swelled until they appeared to be 
one fat, crimson strip. I concentrated on flattening that rounded 
ridge of flesh from every possible angle. My entire world, all my 
reality was centered in that cunt. I was consumed by this madness 
and might have literally beaten her to death had not my own bladder 
interfered in time. 

Without thinking I fished out my penis, and stepping to within a foot 
of her, I proceeded to drench my wife with my urine, starting at her 
face and crisscrossing her tits, ending by splattering my stream onto 
her pubic mound, which brought gasps as the acrid liquid combined with 
the plethora of open cuts in that area. It was only then that I 
finally stopped the punishment session that had spiraled out of 
control. I looked over at my wife to take stock of her situation. Her 
plump pudenda was crisscrossed with nettle rashes, deep welts, and 
fresh open cuts that were thickest in the area of her slit. Her gash 
was completely raw and swollen shut. Her breasts had been turned into 
two chunks of raw meat. It was not possible to even estimate how many 
welts and cuts had been put into those mouthwatering globes. She had 
never looked more beautiful! This was how a dutiful Indian wife was 
supposed to look - bearing the mark of her husband, her Lord on every 
inch of her flesh. I was so proud. She had taken it well and she would 
do it soon again. After all, not once did I have to force her to submit 
to her sacrifice. She had asked for it. Innocence was such a blessing!


[Image: ks8.jpg]



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