17-05-2015, 03:49 PM
As we all know that every social networking site ask user to enter new email account if he wants to get a new id...
The proccess then becomes a headach when we can't create a new email as quickly as we need it..
suppose u have an email id mail. com and you want a new id on any social networking site. Here is just one dot "." u have to put between your existing mail id, for example com can be com or or whatever u want.. good thing is that all your mails will still go to ur inbox... try it
As we all know that every social networking site ask user to enter new email account if he wants to get a new id...
The proccess then becomes a headach when we can't create a new email as quickly as we need it..
suppose u have an email id mail. com and you want a new id on any social networking site. Here is just one dot "." u have to put between your existing mail id, for example com can be com or or whatever u want.. good thing is that all your mails will still go to ur inbox... try it
