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Desi Geetha's Medical Examination

Geetha's Medical Examination
Nineteen-year-old Geetha sat apprehensively on the edge of
the doctor's examination table, in her campus's medical
clinic. Her clothes lay piled on a wooden chair, her body
feeling vulnerable beneath the thin medical examination
gown they'd given her to wear. She wondered why she'd had
to disrobe just to see the doctor about a sore throat.

"Hi Geetha, how does your throat feel today?" Doctor Mohan
asked as he entered the room.

Geetha felt doubly uncomfortable now, and even more aware
her body's near bareness. Doctor Mohan was young and
very good looking. He was a hunk, and unmarried, or so his
unadorned ring finger suggested. Geetha felt aroused around
Doctor Mohan even when she had all her clothes on.

"My throat is still sore Doctor," Geetha answered, "It's
about the same as it was."

"Take off your gown Geetha," the doctor said, "I want to
listen to your heartbeat for a moment."

Geetha fumbled awkwardly with the two little bows that held
her gown on from the back. Undressing in front of a doctor
who she had a crush on felt a little bit like she was doing
a strip tease. Being in bra and panties is just like
wearing a bikini at the beach, she tried to tell herself.

The doctor placed the diaphragm of his stethoscope on the
upper part of Geetha's left breast. She was wearing a
white, scallop shell bra, with the cups entirely
underneath, and the tops of her breasts completely exposed.
The doctor's hand felt warm as it touched the flesh of her
breast. Geetha desperately tried not to show reaction,
embarrassingly aware of his little finger on her nipple,
touching right through her bra cup.

He moved the stethoscope diaphragm around a little,
listening through her breast in different places, his
little finger always seeming to casually brush her nipple.
Geetha tried to think pure thoughts, to force her mind away
from the sudden fantasy of him plucking on her nipple
through her bra. Her heart was thumbing so loudly she was
sure that he could hear it without aid.

"Do you have a boyfriend, Geetha?" the doctor asked.

"Uh, sort of," Geetha lied. She didn't have anybody steady.
Oh god, was he going to ask her out? So sexy, to be asked
out on a date by a handsome doctor while she was stripped
to her underwear for him and his hand owned her breast!
She almost whimpered as his little finger moved on her
nipple again, just slightly.

"I mean," he asked, "are you sexually active with boys?"

"Yes," Geetha admitted, after brief hesitation. "Well, just
one boy recently." What was he getting at? Oh god she
wanted him to give her tit a squeeze! She felt so sexy she
nearly bounced in her seat. Yes doctor, she thought to
herself, talk about sex and play with my breasts!

The doctor stood up and removed the stethoscope from his
ears. Geetha breathed an almost audible sigh of relief that
her breasts were hands-free. She couldn't have taken much
more of being felt up. Please ask me to take off my bra,
she mentally willed him; grab my tits in both hands.

"The lab report on the throat culture we took from you two
days ago shows that your sore throat is caused by a germ
that is, well, not usually found in the throat, Geetha," the
doctor said. "It's a common germ, found very often--on
men's penises. Have you had a penis in your throat

Oh god! Now he'd think she was a slut.

"Oh, uh, yes," Geetha admitted.

"Don't be embarrassed," he said kindly, "It's not really
that uncommon in college girls." He was looking at the
crimson blush that started in Geetha's cheeks and flooded
down across the top of her breasts.

"It's not a serious thing," the doctor continued, "but
you'll have to take medication for it. Just some pills.
Open your mouth and let's have a look."

Geetha opened her mouth wide, and the doctor looked in,
shinning a bright light into her mouth with a shinny,
slender plastic flashlight. He used a wooden tongue
depressor to hold down her tongue, making Geetha almost gag.

"Mmm. Hmm," the doctor said.

Geetha was wickedly embarrassed now. She felt as if he was
picturing a cock being inside her mouth, looking into her
and wondering how deep in the throat she could take it.
Geetha had to swallow, and she made that loud, wet gulp that
an open-mouthed swallow makes; exactly the kind of choked
gargle a girl with a cock in her mouth makes.

"Was the penis in your vagina too Geetha?" the doctor asked.
Oh how wicked of him to make her tell all her sex secrets,
she thought.

"Ah, huh," she gargled, her mouth still being kept open by
the tongue depressor.

"Well then we'll have to look down there too," the he said.
The doctor stepped back, letting Geetha close her mouth.

Geetha looked nervously toward the stirrups on the
examination table.

"We won't have to use those," the doctor said. "We can do
it with you sitting there."

The thought of showing her pussy to this hunk doctor made
Geetha so horny it felt like near panic. She wondered if
she should ask for a woman doctor. She'd never had a male
doctor see her there before. Oh god, what if she was all
wet already?

Geetha tried not to show her embarrassment as she slipped
her panties off. She tossed them quickly to the chair with
her other clothes, horrified to find that they were, in
fact, wet in the crotch. Her blushing made her breast tops
as red as a sunburn now.

Thankfully, the doctor was looking away when Geetha took her
panties off. He was standing at a cupboard, taking a fresh
plastic flashlight out of a sterile wrapper. He'd already
put rubber gloves on his hands.

He sat in a low chair and wheeled it in front of Geetha, who
was again sitting on the edge of the examination table.
Bravely she parted her knees, aware of his power to make
her spread her legs with mere expectation--he didn't even
have to ask.

He looked between her legs for a moment, and Geetha was
afraid he would say something embarrassing about her wet
arousal. Maybe it was a turn-off to him? No, a very faint
smile revealed that it amused him to see her wet.

"I won't hurt you Geetha," he said as his reached toward her
womanhood, "but I have to see inside you."

He very gently slid two gloved fingers into Geetha's pussy,
and then spread them in a V, opening her for viewing. His
fingers were very strong. The flashlight entered her next.
It was a powerful light, illuminating a long Lucite tube;
slender and rounded at the tip like a little sex toy.
Geetha squirmed.

"Does that hurt you?" he asked.

"No, uh, its just cold," she lied. Geetha's pussy was
gushing sexual arousal. He had to know how it felt to her.

"I'll be as gentle as I can," the doctor said. "Let me
know if you feel any discomfort at all. Are you
comfortable with this?" he asked, as he probed around
inside her.

"Yes," Geetha lied. She felt very embarrassed. It felt
like he was being deliberately sexual. That's just in your
horny imagination, Geetha told herself.

"This looks fine," the doctor said. His fingers opened her
wider, and he slid his smooth little flashlight around
inside her, sliding it in and out, twisting it at angles
and moving his fingers to open her in various directions.
"Yes you seem very healthy."

Geetha whimpered under her breath. She knew that she was
making juice wantonly. This was just unbelievably
arousing. She wished he had a boyfriend who could tease
her like this.

"Don't tense up," the doctor said.

"I'm sorry," Geetha said immediately, spreading her knees
wider apart. She realized that she'd answered just like a
sex slave would apologize to a master. God she needed to

"Just relax," the doctor said. "It's natural to feel some
sensation; just relax to it." His flashlight penetrated
deeper into Geetha. His fingers squirmed about, slid in and
out, opening her in different ways and giving him intimate
views of her.

"Just a little deeper," he said. His spread-apart fingers
slid deeper into her; the flashlight entered her more. He
moved his fingers from side to side, pressing sensual
nerves inside her, exploring her secret places.

His fingers started to pull out--were almost all the way
out of her, when--"Just a little deeper," he said again,
and he worked his way back in again.

Geetha looked down over her white-cupped breasts, toward the
intimate place between her legs, but the doctor's head was
in the way. He was being more intimate with her than she
could be with herself.

"Just one more time," he said, as his probing fingers
almost came out of her, and then penetrated in again, the
flashlight savagely leading the way. His fingers touched
Geetha's g-spot. She gave a little jump, and then he
pressed his fingertips again there forcefully, and then
pressed several times harder again, right on her most
vulnerable and intimate place.

"Doctor, I . . . " Geetha started to say, but then she had
to shut her mouth to silence a sex moan. Her pelvis
convulsed in a horribly embarrassing orgasm. A sort of
squealing giggle escaped through her closed teeth.

"That's okay Geetha," the doctor said. "It just shows that
you're a healthy young woman."

Geetha wanted say more, to apologize, to make up some
explanation, but she decide to say nothing and pretend it
hadn't happened.

His flashlight went in deeper again, and his fingers spread
Geetha to a painful degree. Geetha wondered if he could see
her pussy's insides quivering with cum-again urgency.

"It doesn't look like you have infection here, of course
we'll have to take a swab, but there are some abrasions
inside. Have you had anything other than a penis inside
you?" he asked.

"Just, just fingers," Geetha said. She knew that she was
gushing wetness now. She could feel herself dripping into
her ass crack. Her pussy tried to have another orgasm.
She fought hard not give into it, to ignore it, but cum
gushed from her. She knew that it must be running down the
outsides of the doctor's rubber gloves.

"You should trim your fingernails if you're going to do
that," the doctor said, "but I recommend using a dildo, one
made for that purpose."

"No," Geetha said, feeling double embarrassment, "It was the
boy's fingers."

"Is it tender here?" he asked, pushing inside of her.

"No," Geetha said.

"How about here?" He pressed her g-spot again, and Geetha
achingly surrendered the climax that she'd been fighting.
Her whole body jumped.

"Did that hurt, or was that just a nerve spot?" the doctor

"Uh, uh, just a nerve," Geetha gasped. She wanted to snap
her legs shut, but at the same time she wanted to lie back
on the examination table, spread her legs, and yell, "Fuck

The doctor removed his flashlight from Geetha's pussy, but
his fingers kept her held wide open and gushing. She knew
he was deliberately letting the cum drain from her because
it was in his way. Then he reached up to the counter
behind him, fumbled around for a moment, and brought forth
some long wooden rods with cotton tips. He used those to
take swaps from deep inside Geetha. It felt kind of kinky,
as if he was taking a personal memento of her.

Geetha felt tremendously relieved when he finally let her
close her legs. She was sure that her thighs must be
trembling from climax. Absolutely everything beneath her
was soaked. She was horrified to think of some nurse
cleaning up after her, and knowing that she'd cum while the
doctor examined her.

"You're a wonderfully healthy girl, Geetha," the doctor
said. She felt certain that was a comment about her
wetness. "We'll send these swabs to a lab. I'll prescribe
some pills for your throat, and for now I'll prescribe an
ointment for the fingernail abrasions inside you. You have
to get it deep inside, all over inside. Use a smooth
dildo. Coat it well with the ointment and then make sure
it coats you inside thoroughly; work it all the way into
you. Apply it for at least ten minutes, three times a day.

"Will you be sure and do that Geetha?" he asked.

"Yes," Geetha said, again feeling like a sex slave, obedient
to his powerful presence. She almost asked him, do you
want me to phone you while I do it?

"We should have the lab results back in three days," the
doctor continued. "I'll give you another examination then
to see that you're keeping up the treatment."

Geetha put her underpants on quickly. They immediately
became soaked from her still-agitated womanhood.

Afterward, alone at home, Geetha had confused feelings. It
had been such a sexy rush! Did he do it to her
deliberately? After a long ponder, she decided to phone
her mother.

"Mother," Geetha said, "I had a doctor's appointment today,
with that good-looking doctor I've told you about, and he
used his fingers in me--you know, up inside me--is that
normal for a doctor to do?"

"Geetha," her mother said, in a conspiratorial voice, "when
you're grown up, and after you've been married for a while,
you may find those kind of doctors' visits to be quite

"Mother!" Geetha said reproachfully.
"You know, Geetha," her mother said puckishly, "you said
he's a good-looking, unmarried doctor. Doctors get lonely.
You're a grown woman now. Don't miss out on a good thing
because of shyness."

"Oh, Mother, really!"

However, Geetha thought over her mother's advice. Maybe
next time she should lie to him that her nipples were sore,
get him to examine those?

But then it was time again for another "treatment." Geetha
closed her eyes, eased the coated dildo into her pussy, and
began new, favorite fantasy, a fantasy about her next
doctor's visit: "Yes doctor, yes. I'm sorry I haven't been
good with the treatments. Show me again how to do it



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