en.roksbi.ru Members Verification
Dear Bees,
As we all know Fake ID is the biggest issue in any large desi adult forum, So to Counter that we have decided to Introduce " Member Verification System " in en.roksbi.ru, Which we hope will make sure User Experiance in en.roksbi.ru would be much Better, and Safer , Its a very simple process to get verified yourself, We have also decided to give Verified members much more Features, Powers and Preferences
To submit your Application Click Here
So what is Member Verification ?
Member verification is just a simple process to tell all other members of en.roksbi.ru that your User ID, Gender and Age are Correct Officially by clicking a few pics of yourself (without face) with a below requested format and submitting it in an application form to the en.roksbi.ru Admin team, So that we the Admin members will Verify your Profile with the Pics you send us and Approve you as a Verified Member of en.roksbi.ru.
What details will be asked in the Application form ?
Name, Age , Sex, location, Date of Birth, 2 clicked pics as requested
How should the Pics be clicked ?
You should click 2 full size pic of yourself (without face) with an A4 size paper in Hand with needed details written in it Bold and Clearly, Both Pics must be from different angles showing your full figure Properly
What should be written in the A4 Sheet ?
- Your User ID name
- en.roksbi.ru
- Current Date
- ASL (Age / Sex / location)
- Pics should be clicked from a medium range distance covering your full size except your face
- Make sure the lighting is good enough
- You should be holding the A4 Sheet in your hand with the above said details written in it Clearly
- Make sure the details in the A4 Sheet is clearly visible in your click
- Do not photoshop the clicked pic
- For Couples Submission it is required to submit pics of both Husband and Wife
- Your ID will be changed to
- Blue color with a Verified Tick For Male Members eg: Verified Male
- Pink color with a Verified Tick for Female Members eg: Verified Female
- Orange color with a Verified Tick for Female Members eg: Verified Couples
- A Permanent Verified Award will be give to you
- You will get a Verified member Badge
- Only Verified members will be able to Open chat rooms in the Future
- Most importantly In the near future only Verified members will be able to use Chat feature
- Seperate Section only for Verified members
- Verified members will be given powers to Delete their own Threads and Posts
- And plenty more important features will be made available only for Verified Members
- Verified members can see Invisible Members as Visible
- Verified Members get 4 Gold Stars
- Before posting your Application form submission make sure the same details are there in your profile
- Each ID can submit only one Application form
- Any Fraud or Fake information submitted will be disqualified for ever
- We will never reveal your images or informantion provided in the Application form you submit with us to others or public
- The Application form you submit will be stored in PRIVATE AREA SECTION where the thread will be visible only to you and the Admin
- If your Application is Rejected due to poor pic clicked by you then you are not allowed to argue with the Admin team regarding
- Admin team has all the rights to remove you from Verified Member group if you break any of the Basic rules of the forum
- By Submitting the Application form you agree to all terms and conditions of Member Verification system
Admin team expects full coopration from all Bees in making this Member Verification a very sucessful system

Feel free to ask us in this thread if you have any questions in this Member Verification system
Sample Pic