Abhinay Kumar, who was allegedly kidnapped for marriage, told a Muzaffarpur court that his wedding with Julie was solemnised with mutual consent of both the families. The SSP, however, stuck to the kidnap marriage theory, saying Abhinay Kumars mother had complained about his abduction on camera. Shahi said a complaint petition had been filed against 11 personnel of Gaighat police station for their highhandedness and brutality. Taking a strong note of the matter, Muzaffarpur SSP Vivek Kumar has suspended Gaighat station house officer (SHO) Rajesh Chaudhury and sent the entire staff of the police station to police lines. Their statements have been recorded by the inquiry committee, set up to look into the matter, the SSP added.
The kidnap marriage case at Gaighat in Bihars Muzaffarpur district, 71 km north of Patna, took a new turn on Monday with the groom refuting the police theory of his abduction by brides family. A Muzaffarpur court, meanwhile, has ordered a judicial inquiry into the alleged police highhandedness against the bride and her sister, while the district senior superintendent of police (SSP) has suspended the Gaighat police station SHO. Abhinay Kumar, who was allegedly kidnapped for marriage, told a Muzaffarpur court that his wedding with Julie was solemnised with mutual consent of both the families. I was never abducted. The police reached the venue when final marriage ritual was to be completed. I became frightened on seeing the police and fled from there.
Later, police picked me from a nearby location and took me to police station, Kumar, who hails from Maithi village in Gaighat police station area of the district, said in the affidavit filed before the court of sub judge-16 Subhash Kumar Rai. The court also took suo motto cognizance of the alleged brutality of policemen on Julie and her sister Shobha and ordered a judicial inquiry into the matter. Julie and Shobha , meanwhile, said the police had beaten them with wooden and fibre sticks till they lost consciousness. They also hit at our private parts, they told reporters at sadar hospital, where they have been admitted after their arrest. Bruises on every inch of their bodies speak volumes of police brutality, said Julies counsel Sangita Shahi, who is also a former member of the state women commission. Shahi said a complaint petition had been filed against 11 personnel of Gaighat police station for their highhandedness and brutality. The court has heard our plea and ordered an inquiry, she said. Taking a strong note of the matter, Muzaffarpur SSP Vivek Kumar has suspended Gaighat station house officer (SHO) Rajesh Chaudhury and sent the entire staff of the police station to police lines.