Your incest choice- Mom /Sis /
Cousin /Aunty-sis
Her age-22
Her relationship status- Married/
If married then how many years
of marriage-
If married....she has/had any
extramarital affair- Yes/No/not
sure/Dont know
How many persons fuck her (in
present time) and who-nobody
What she wears-tshirt jeans
Dose she Expose-yes
People stare at her- yes/no-yes
Ever seen her naked? if yes then
How is her nipple color- brown/
black/pink/dont know-brown
Her pussy is - shaved/small
hairy/ hairymaybe shaved
Her figure-32boobs
Ever smelled her bra/ panty-yes
If you get to fuck her, would you
like to share her with anyone-no
Any sexy stuff you wanna share-
Your fantasy about her- fuck my all three sis together