10-06-2016, 12:12 PM
- A woman from Atlanta claims she is breastfeeding her boyfriend, 36
- Jennifer Mulford revealed she quit her job to focus on inducing lactation
- The pair appeared on Australian radio show Matt & Meshel
- She said he feeds every two hours and it leads to sex '6 out of 7 times'
- Mothers have accused the couple of 'sexualising' breastfeeding
- They say the pair's story is offensive to breastfeeding mothers
Jennifer Mulford took time off from her job as a bartender to establish breastfeeding because she wants to start an Adult Breastfeeding Relationship (ABR) with Brad Leeson.
Jennifer was single when she stumbled across a website about ABR.
She said "It was like a light switched flicked in his head. I could tell from his voice that he was curious and excited," she said, before opening up about the first time the pair tried it."At that moment I knew that I had a partner for life… we both wanted the same thing out of the relationship – a magical bond that only breastfeeding can achieve."
Because she has not given birth to a baby, she and Brad, 36, need to ‘dry feed,’ every two hours to fool her body into thinking she is feeding a child so she starts producing milk.
“I have always enjoyed my breasts being touched during sex more than anything else so I knew I would enjoy it.”
She quit her job to ‘dry’ breastfeed Brad every two hours – to ‘fool’ her body into lactating."It's more of a personal bond, it's more of a commitment, more of an intimacy... two people becoming one" Brad said.
"But what man doesn’t like a nice set of boobs in his mouth?"
Jennifer then added that the breastfeeding would lead to sex "six out of seven times."
She said, "I’ve taken a break from my job because I want to devote everything to making this work."
Brad, a bodybuilder, hopes to boost his body by their regular breastfeeding sessions.