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Group Sex The Swap Meet


When this all started I thought that I still cared for my wife but we just didn't seem to be happy together any more. Diane and I have been married for seven years and for the last year and a half it's been like we are living in separate worlds. During this time I have been faithful to my marriage vows and I am positive that Diane has not cheated on me. Diane was a virgin when I met her and she made me wait for almost ten months before we had sex for the first time. She has always told me that she would never cheat on me and that if I ever cheated on her she would leave me and I know Diane well enough to know that she means every word of that statement. Anyway, over the last several months we have made love only five or six times. It seems that one of us always has an excuse to not have sex. A headache, too tired, not enough time, too busy, etc.

Things were starting to get to the point that I was expecting Diane to ask me for a divorce soon, and if she didn't I might have to ask her for one. In the mean time I just buried myself in my job.

Then about six months ago I got a new partner on the project I was working on. John was the same age as me (30) and we shared a lot of the same interests. In a very short time John and I became friends. A couple of months ago John suggested we stop for a drink after work. After that night stopping for a drink became our routine two or three times a week. John was easy to talk to so it wasn't long before I told him about my marriage problems. He said, "Just get laid and don't worry about the consequences." I told him I couldn't do that to Diane. I was going to have to resolve things with Diane one way or another.

One night as we started our second round of drinks I noticed an attractive blonde standing at the bar. She was about 5'5" and 120 pounds. She had a great looking body and breasts that were about the size of grapefruits. I noticed several guys in the bar checking her out as she slipped onto a bar stool. John and I continued our conversation but I didn't take my eyes off of this beauty.

I watched as the bar tender brought her a drink and she turned around in her chair so that she was facing in my direction. She was just sort of staring off into space sipping her drink, and her knees were separated just far enough that I could see up her skirt to the white strip of panties that covered her pussy. I tried to look away but I couldn't.

When John noticed what had captured my attention, he said, "She is beautiful, isn't she?" I agreed. Then he said, "Now you should be thinking about bagging something like that." I gave a nervous laugh and looked back at her again. She hadn't moved. The view was still the same. I stared up her skirt for another minute and then realized that she was staring at me. I felt my face flush in embarrassment. I was expecting something bad to happen but she just smiled at me and turned back to the bar to order another drink. I turned back to John to avoid further embarrassment. When I finally chanced another look toward the bar she was gone.

As I looked around the interior of the bar to see if I could spot her John spoke. He said, "I guess she really turned you on. I bet you'd love to jump her bones wouldn't you?"

I replied, "She certainly is a very sexy woman and if I wasn't married I would bury my face in her pussy and never come up for air."

John said, "It's easy to act the faithful husband when you know you can't get laid but I bet if she offered to fuck your brains out, you'd go home with her right now."

I conceded that he might be right. If the blonde made herself available to me I probably would fuck her and not worry about the consequences. John teased me about her all night. He kept asking me exactly what I would do to her if I had the chance. He asked, "Would you want her to blow you or would you want to eat her first, or would you just want to fuck her first then eat her?" Then he laughed. He had me both laughing and embarrassed for the next hour, then I got really embarrassed. Suddenly the subject of our sex talk appeared at our table and sat herself down on John's lap and smiled at me. I couldn't move. Then John spoke, "George, I'd like you to meet my wife Jill."

Then he looked at Jill and said, "Honey, George has been admiring you all evening. I think he wants to get in your pants."

Jill looked at me and replied, "Really. Well that might be fun, we'll have to try that real soon. Why don't you ask George to come to the party and we'll see what happens." Then Jill got up and kissed John and turned to me and said, "I hope we can get together soon. Sorry I can't stay but I have to meet some friends to go to the movies." She turned and left.

When she left John started laughing at me. I said, "You asshole, why didn't you tell me she was your wife before I made a fool out of myself?"

John replied, "You didn't make a fool out of yourself. You just admitted to me that you would like to fuck my wife. If you didn't want to fuck her you would have to be either gay or dead."

"Well, why did you tell her I wanted to get in her pants?"

"Because it's true, and Jill would want to know. I've been telling her about you so she came here to check you out and I think she liked what she saw. After all she told me to invite you to our party."

"What party?"

"Jill and I are having a few close friends over a week from Saturday for a special party?"

"What's special about it?"

"Well, it's a kind of swap meet. We would love to have you come but you have to bring someone to swap."

"Are you talking about wife swapping? I can't bring Diane to a wife swapping party. That's just never going to happen. I can't ask her to do that, she'd go ballistic."

"Don't pass on the idea so easily. You did say your sex life with Diane is dead, well this might just be what you need to bring it back to life, or at least get you both talking about your problems. Can it really make things much worse? You're already discussing divorce. What can be worse than that?"

"Well, you might be right about that but I don't know how I would bring it up with Diane or manage to keep the conversation under control once I did."

"Well, promise me you'll at lease think about it a little more before you dismiss the idea totally. And we can talk about it some more."

I agreed to think about it.

When I got home that night, Diane was sitting in bed watching television. I was still a bit horny from my experience that evening so I thought I'd try and seduce Diane. When I tried to kiss her she pushed me away and said that I smelled of stale beer and smoke. So I went and took a quick shower but when I got back Diane had turned off the TV and was asleep.

John asked me about the party at work the next day and I told him I didn't think I would be able to do it. So the next night when we stopped for drinks again Jill was at the bar waiting for us. She sat next to me and asked me what it would take to get us to come to their party.

I said a near miracle. Then Jill looked me straight in the eye and said, "I was hoping that you would want to come to the party to sample some of this," with that she lifted the hem of her skirt just enough so the I could see that she was a natural blonde. Her pussy was so beautiful that my mouth actually began to water.

Jill continued, "If you want this, all you have to do is talk your wife into trying a new adventure in her life. If things have been as bad in your sex life as you've been telling John, then your wife might jump at this as an opportunity to make a drastic and needed change." Then Jill dropped her skirt back in place and turned back to the table and the converstion went on as if nothing had happened.

That night I left the bar determined to try to talk Diane into going to the party.

I waited till the next night after dinner. I told Diane that I needed to talk to her about something important. We went into the living room and I sat down on the sofa and Diane sat facing me in an easy chair. I had prepared a little speech in my head so I just went ahead with it. I said, "For quite a while now, things haven't been right between us. I don't know whose fault it is, or if it is anyone's fault. But I have felt for a long time that we need to do something to shake things up so we can get the life back into our marriage. But as hard as I have tried, I haven't come up with any ideas, that is, until now. Well it really isn't my idea. It was presented to me by a friend at work. He invited us to a special party a week from Saturday."

Then Diane interrupted, "How is going to a party going to help anything?"

"I'm getting to that. Now just hear me out on this before you respond. This is a swingers’ party. It's just a few couples that get together and swap sex partners. I was against the idea at first but the more I thought about it, the more the idea appealed to me. I think it might just be what we need to get our sex life jump started. For some reason, we don't seem to want to do it with each other, so maybe the way to break through this is to have sex with other people in this party." I stopped talking and just waited for Diane's reply.

She didn't say anything for a solid minute, then she stood up and said, "Are you insane?" and headed out of the room.

As she left I shouted after her, "At least think about it?"

When she got to the door she turned and said, "You seriously think that my making love to some stranger will fix our problems? Or are you just looking for an excuse to fuck someone else?" This she said with some anger in her voice.

So I responded the best I could, I lied. "I am just desperate to find a way to save our marriage and I think we need to take a drastic step like this to do it. Will you at least think it over?"

Diane didn't answer me she just went off to our bedroom and closed the door behind her.

I didn't bring the party up again as I figured that was a dead issue. Then on Tuesday night after dinner as we were drinking our last cup of coffee, Diane unexpectedly asked, "Would I know anyone at this party?"

I said, "Probably not. It was going to be at John's house and these were his friends and I had not met any of them. Does this mean you're interested in going."

"I don't know. I'm trying to see this from all sides, but it still doesn't make any sense to me. How can my going to bed with another man save our marriage? Do you really think you could handle seeing me having sex with another man?"

"If we are both doing the same thing with each others permission, it will be fine." Of course I didn't know if this was true or not. I thought that there was a chance that Diane would get upset about me balling another woman, but I just had to have Jill and I was willing to risk everything to do it. "Besides, I think we need to stir up our emotions."

"I am not agreeing to go through with this, I'm only saying I will think about it some more."

Then on Friday, Diane called me at work and said, "I thought it over and decided to go along with this idea of yours."

"You mean you'll go to the party with me tomorrow night?"


"What changed your mind?"

"Well, I don't think you gave me any choice. If I don't go, you'll accuse me of not even trying to save our marriage and you'll probably go without me. So I decided to take the risk and go with you so I'll know what you're up to."

I didn't bother to tell her that our invitation was for couples only. I just said, "Good, then I'll tell John that we'll be there tomorrow.

Saturday morning was uncomfortable around the house. Diane didn't speak to me at all. I just tried to keep busy and stay out of her way. I didn't want to say something that would start an argument and cause her to change her mind about going to the party. At 2:00 PM, Diane announced that she was going to get her hair done and shop for something to wear to the party and then left the house. She was gone for nearly four hours.

When she came home she had an attractive new hair style and shopping bags from one of the better women's clothing stores at the mall and a bag from Victoria's Secret. So she had not only bought an outfit to wear but she must also have bought some sexy underwear. She didn't offer to show me what she'd bought, she just carried it all into the bedroom and closed the door.

A little while later I heard the shower running. I waited about fifteen minutes after she had finished her shower then I went through the bedroom and into the bathroom. Diane was sitting at her dressing table in her bath robe and was putting on makeup. I quickly stripped and got into the shower. Within fifteen minutes I was showered, shaved and nearly dressed. As I left the bathroom, Diane got up from her dressing table and headed into the walk-in closet. As she entered the closet she let her robe slide off of her shoulders and drop to the floor. She didn't know that I could see her reflection in the bathroom mirror from where I was standing. What I saw began to arouse me. Diane was wearing a black matching bra and panty set. The bra displayed her beautiful breasts as if they were being served to a king and the skimpy panties just made Diane's nicely shaped ass even sexier. On her legs, Diane was wearing a very sexy pair of black thigh high stockings. I hadn't seen her look this sexy since we were married. This whole event lasted only a few seconds but the effect stayed with me the rest of the evening.

As much as I wanted to fuck Jill, I was beginning to wonder if I really wanted Diane to fuck anyone other than me. I quickly put that thought out of my head and started thinking about how good it would feel to sink my cock into Jill tonight and how many other ladies would I be able to fuck tonight?

When Diane was finally dressed she came out into the living room where I was sitting waiting for her. She was wearing a black skirt that stopped midway down her thigh and a black silk blouse that was very sheer. You could easily see Diane's bra and most of her tits right through the thin material. She stopped in front of me and announced that she was ready to go. I said, "You look fantastic." Diane is 5'10" and weighs 130 pounds. She has dark brown almost black hair and very clear blue eyes. With her natural shape, the clothes she was wearing, and the sexy underwear she had on, I wasn't exaggerating when I told her she looked fantastic.

Diane responded by saying "I know." Then we walked to the car without speaking and started off to John's house.

John's house was only a fifteen minute drive from ours but it seemed a lot longer because of the silence in the car. When we arrived, John and Jill greeted us at the door. I introduced Diane to both of them. John motioned for us to come in and then said the other guests are all in the living room. As we walked in, I saw Diane look at Jill then she looked at me with an 'I know what you're up to' look on her face.

Jill began talking to Diane like they were old friends. Jill asked Diane if she would like a tour of the house. Diane said yes and the two of them headed off through the large four bedroom house. John led me into the living room where he had set up a temporary bar. There were seven guys in the room drinking and watching a basketball game on the TV.

There were three women sitting in another room with their drinks and talking. I asked John how many couples were there. He said there were five couples and two single men. I asked him why there were two single men there. I thought this was a ‘couples only’ party. John told me that they always invited 1-2 more men than women because it takes men longer to recover than the women. So the extra men make sure that all of the women go home satisfied.

To be continued


John handed me a drink and told me to relax, that things would get started in about a half hour. John introduced me to the guys and we all began discussing the basketball game and for the first time since my wife had come out of the bedroom earlier that evening, the knot in my stomach began to loosen. After I finished my drink, I went to the bar to get another and when I looked around I noticed that John had left the room and when I looked into the next room where the women had gathered, I saw Jill and the three women that were there when I came in, but I didn't see Diane.

Suddenly the knot in my stomach was not only back but now it was tighter. Then I saw that there was someone else in the room with the women hidden behind the door way. When she finally moved, I saw that it was Diane sitting with a drink in her hand and talking to one of the other women. I felt a rush of relief. I was sure that John had taken my wife off to fuck her, and I suddenly wasn't ready for that to happen. A couple of minutes later, Diane stood up and moved over next to Jill apparently to be introduced to someone. Now I could see all of the women in that room. I looked from one to the next and admired them. When I got to Jill, I stared for an extra minute and knew right then who I wanted to make love to. It was ... Diane. Boy was I unhappy!

By the time I had started my third drink, I was beginning to feel better and was enjoying the conversation with the other men in the room. I suddenly realized that Jill was standing next to me and when I looked around, I saw that all five women had joined us.

I could see Diane across the room talking to Tom whom I had met earlier. The conversation looked innocent enough so I started talking to Jill and was beginning to get aroused by the idea of making love to her. I was about to ask her if we could go somewhere private when I saw Diane and Tom heading toward the stairs to the second floor where all the bedrooms were. I was frozen. I couldn't take my eyes off them as they climbed the stairs. I watched as they opened the door to a bedroom at the top of the stairs, entered the room and closed the door behind them. I felt a little sick and had to sit down.

I went over and sat in a chair that gave me a view of the bedroom door behind which my wife was about to be fucked by another man. I suddenly had a mental picture of the way Diane looked when I had seen her earlier in just thigh high stockings, and her bra and panties. I knew that Tom was going to not only get to see Diane that way, but he would be removing the bra and panties. He was going to be kissing her tits and shoving his cock into her pussy. As I sat and watched I felt my stomach turn over and at the same time I was getting an enormous erection. I was really confused now.

Jill came over to me and asked if I was all right. I just looked up at the door and Jill said, "Oh I understand. This often happens to first timers. Don't worry, things will turn out O.K." Jill sat with me and rubbed my neck which felt great and helped me to relax a little. After about thirty minutes, the bedroom door opened and Tom came out. I quickly looked away so I wouldn't be seen staring. Tom came back downstairs and went to the bar for a drink. Diane didn't come out of the room for another five minutes. When I saw her at the top of the stairs, she smiled at me and started down the stairs. She looked like nothing had happened. I began to think she must not have done anything. But when she came into the living room, I could see the redness around her lips and on her neck that showed she had been at least necking with Tom and then I noticed that one of the bottom buttons on her blouse was open.

But it was the look of satisfaction on her face that told me that she had indeed been fucked by Tom - and fucked well. I started to get up to go talk to her but Jill stopped me. She said "It's not a good time to approach her now. Wait till you've calmed down." Jill was right so I sat back down. When I looked back at Diane she was being handed a drink by one of the single guys at the party.

It was at that point that I realized that many of the guests had disappeared. I asked Jill where everyone had gone and she said, "Where do you think?"

I just said, "Wow, I never saw them leave the room."

Jill replied, "You were preoccupied at the time."

When I looked back at Diane she was talking to the guy who had handed her the drink. His name was Tony. Tony was about 25 years old, five years younger that Diane and very handsome with and athletic body. As they talked, Tony started guiding Diane toward the stairs.

They went up the stairs but had to go to the second room down the hall as the first one was now occupied. Jill asked me if I was okay. I said, "I don't know how I feel. I know what they're doing, but I want to ‘know more specifically’ what they're doing. Do you know what I mean?"

Jill said, "Yes." She stood up, took my hand, pulled me out of the chair and led me to the stairs. She took me to the master bedroom next to the one that Diane had just gone into. Jill closed and locked the door and then said to me, "Be careful what you ask for because you might get it." With that she walked over and removed a painting from the wall. Behind the painting was a hole which opened to the back of a two-way mirror. When I looked in, I saw Diane sitting on the bed in just her bra and panties and stockings. Tony was standing to the side undressing.

He removed his pants and laid them over a chair then he removed his shirt. The whole time, I could see that they were carrying on a conversation as if they were sitting downstairs in the living room. Finally Tony removed his boxer shorts. Then Diane casually reached out with her left hand and cupped his balls in the palm of her hand. She looked up into Tony's face and began talking and at the same time wrapped her right hand around his cock and slowly stroked it.

Watching her be so casual about jerking him off was beginning to be a turn on to me. Diane continued to talk to Tony for another minute then she just bent forward and began sucking on his stiff prick. Diane seemed to enjoy sucking his cock which upset me because she never wanted to do that for me. As she continued to suck his cock, he put his hand on the back of her head and pushed his cock deeper into her mouth. After about five minutes, Tony pulled out of Diane's mouth and pulled her to her feet. He pulled down on her bra freeing her tits. Tony began to roughly squeeze and suck on Diane's tits but she didn't seem to mind that he was being rough. Finally Tony pulled Diane's panties off and pushed her down on the bed. He got on top of her and slipped his cock into my wife's cunt and started fucking her with long hard strokes. As I continued to watch Diane getting fucked, Jill unhooked my belt unzipped my fly and pulled my pants down. Then she began to give my swollen cock a tongue bath. I enjoyed the sensation of Jill's mouth on my cock while I watched Tony's cock sliding in and out of my wife's pussy.

Suddenly Tony stiffened up and pushed his cock into Diane as far as he could. He seemed to be erupting inside her. He pumped her a few more times and stopped again. He continued to do this till his orgasm ended. Then he pulled back and let his softening cock slip out of Diane's pussy. As the head of his cock came out of her hole, it was followed by a large glob of cum that ran down Diane's pussy and down her crack to the bed.

That sight did it for me. My cock exploded into Jill's mouth and I nearly collapsed on the floor. I apologized to her for not being able to pleasure her but she said that it was all right. I was a guest in her house and she was glad to pleasure me. She said that I could take care of her another time, maybe later that evening?

I pulled my pants back up and looked back into the other room. Tony had alread left and Diane was getting dressed and fixing herself up a little before going back downstairs.

I went back downstairs before Diane and headed for the bar. I needed a strong drink because I was confused. I was jealous. Watching Diane suck on Tony's cock made me jealous but it didn't make me angry and I didn't understand that. Why did I get aroused watching my wife getting fucked by another man? As I sipped my drink and tried to understand what was happening to me, I saw Diane enter the room. After having a romp with two different men, she still looked fresh and ready to party. She seemed to be glowing.

This evening was not working out the way I'd expected it to. I had figured I was going to be having fun fucking Jill and the other women and I didn't care what happened to Diane. But the reality was that I was unhappy and Diane was enjoying herself. And the strangest thing of all is that the only thing that made me happy was that Diane was enjoying herself. When I looked at her again she was walking toward me with a smile on her lips. She appeared to be getting ready to say something to me when Carl, one of the other married men at the party, began talking to her. As she talked to Carl, she kept glancing over at me like she wanted to tell me something but she couldn't get away from Carl. I couldn't hear their conversation but after about ten minutes of friendly conversation, it appeared that Carl asked Diane a question because I could read her lips as she said OK and she nodded her head at the same time.

Then Carl put his arm around Diane's shoulders and guided her out of the room and up the stairs. I watched as they disappeared from sight.

As I sat waiting for Diane to come back, I began to imagine what she was doing with Carl. How she looked with just her bra and panties on. And I wondered if she was sucking on his cock. To my surprise, I was beginning to get an erection, thinking about Diane sucking on his cock, then spreading her legs so he could easily slide it into her cum soaked cunt. After a while I had to force myself to think about something else or I might have cum in my pants. Jill came by and asked how I was doing. I told her I was feeling a little better. I was beginning to learn how to deal with the situation.

After about a half hour, I saw Carl coming down the stairs but Diane wasn't with him. She must be trying to fix herself up again. I decided that when she came downstairs, I was going to ask her if she was ready to go home. She didn't come down for another twenty minutes but when she did, she had managed to fix herself up and she still looked good. She went to the bar and made herself a drink then she came over to where I was sitting and stood in front of me. Before I could ask her if she was ready to go home, she said that she wanted me to meet her upstairs in five minutes. Then she turned and walked out of the room and up the stairs.

Now I was really worried. Did she want to get me away from the rest of the party so she could tell me she wanted a divorce or that she was leaving me or some thing like that? Not knowing what else to do, I did as I was told. I waited five minutes and headed upstairs.

When I got upstairs, three of the bedroom doors were closed so I went into the one door that was open. Diane was standing in front of the mirror fixing her hair and didn't turn around as I entered. She looked at me in the reflection of the mirror and told me to sit down.

The bed was messed up and there was evidence of wet cum spots on the sheets so I was careful where I sat. Diane turned to face me and I braced myself for bad news. If she was about to give me bad news, it looked like she was going to enjoy it. She was smiling and she had that same glow I had noticed a while ago down stairs.

Finally she began to speak, "This has been an unbelievable night. You could never have convinced me that I was going to feel this way. I feel like the tension that has been building inside me, that was keeping us apart is gone." She walked over and closed the door. "I want to have sex one more time tonight."

She removed her blouse and laid it on a chair then removed her skirt and put it with the blouse. Now I was seeing her as her other lovers tonight had seen her, and she looked very sexy. She began speaking again, "It may sound strange for me to say this while I am standing here with my pussy so full of other men's semen running down my legs but right now, I love you more than I ever have before and I want to make love to you if you'll let me."

Diane came over and stood in front of me. I could see that the crotch of her panties was soaked through and some cum was running down the inside of her thigh. I reached out and touched the front of her panties and felt the load she was carrying inside her dripping cunt. I said, "A couple of days ago no one could have made me believe that you would have sex with another man let alone three in one night."

Diane cut in, "Well actually, four men."

I said, "I watched you all evening and only saw you come up here with three men."

"Well, when Carl and I finished and he left, I was starting to get dressed when John came in the room and said, 'You are not going to leave without fucking your host, are you?' I said no, and took my panties back off and lay down and let him do me. It wasn't very good sex but the idea that I had just finished fucking one man and here I was fucking another caused me to have another nice orgasm."

Listening to Diane speak so matter of fact about her activities had the effect of giving me an extremely hard cock. I looked at Diane and said "I need to make love to you now."

Diane came over and knelt down on the floor in front of me and started undoing my pants. I helped her pull them down. Then she went down on my cock and started giving me the best blow job I had ever had. This was the first time Diane had ever sucked my cock without me asking her to do it and it was the first time she acted like she wanted to suck me off.

When she had me nearly ready to explode in her mouth she pulled back and stood up. Then she removed her bra and panties. She climbed up on the bed and lay down next to me. When I looked at her pussy it was puffy and the hair was matted and sticky and globs of semen were oozing out from between her pussy lips.

Looking at Diane's cum-filled pussy, I suddenly understood exactly what is meant by the term 'cream pie'. I lowered myself on top of her and kissed her gently on the mouth then began kissing my way down to her breasts. I licked and kissed her nipples. While I was kissing her nipples I was thinking about going down on her pussy and giving her an oral orgasm. I had often fantasized about going down on Diane after fucking her and eating my cum out of her pussy. And the idea of eating her now was exciting me until I stuck my fingers in her pussy. Then I decided that tonight wasn't the right time to try that.

Diane reached down and took hold of my cock and gently but firmly guided it up to her pussy. She placed my cock head at the opening of her cunt and I just pushed. She was so wet and sloppy down there that I slid in with no resistance. After having four cocks inside her already tonight and with all the cum in her pussy, Diane wasn't very tight. I could just barely feel the sides of her pussy as I stroked in and out of her but I exploded in just about two minutes. Afterwards, we just lay in each others arms for a while. I noticed a little noise coming from the wall acorss the room and knew that Jill must be at her little voyuer game again. I didn't mind one bit.

As we were getting ready to leave, we thanked John and Jill for inviting us. Jill took Diane aside to chat with her and John asked me if I would like to come back the next time they had a swap meet. I told him I would have to think about it and let him know but there was a good chance we would be back. When Diane came back, we left. On the way home, neither of us spoke but unlike the silence on the way to the party, the silence on the way home was comfortable.

When we got home we showered and headed for bed. As soon as we got in bed Diane said, "I learned something tonight, that is, something other than how much I love you. I learned that I enjoy sucking cock." Then she slid down and took my cock in her hand and started licking and sucking on it like is was a piece of candy.

As she played with and sucked my cock she began talking to me, "I know you didn't have sex with anyone except me. I guess the party didn't work out the way you expected it to. I knew as soon as I met Jill that she was the reason we were at that party and that hurt me a little but when I noticed that you were watching me all the time and not fucking any of the women, I knew that you loved me. And in spite of the fact that it was hurting you, you did not stop me from having my fun. You made me feel special. I was sceptical earlier but now I believe that this party may very well have saved our marriage. And to show you how grateful I am, I have invited John and Jill over next weekend."

Diane went back to work on my cock and brought me slowly to climax. Then I fell asleep with my cock still in Diane's mouth.


2 users like this post  • dxbcpls, wyesham

Very good.

1 user likes this post  • Gouthamjd

(18-04-2016, 08:08 PM)president : Very good.

Thank you.


Very very good.


(23-09-2016, 06:33 PM)vidya : Very very good.

Thank you.


Excellent story.


(05-12-2016, 12:43 PM)pornpremi : Excellent story.

Thank you.


Lovely story.


(08-12-2015, 08:27 PM)rangeela : John handed me a drink and told me to relax, that things would get started in about a half hour. John introduced me to the guys and we all began discussing the basketball game and for the first time since my wife had come out of the bedroom earlier that evening, the knot in my stomach began to loosen. After I finished my drink, I went to the bar to get another and when I looked around I noticed that John had left the room and when I looked into the next room where the women had gathered, I saw Jill and the three women that were there when I came in, but I didn't see Diane.

Suddenly the knot in my stomach was not only back but now it was tighter. Then I saw that there was someone else in the room with the women hidden behind the door way. When she finally moved, I saw that it was Diane sitting with a drink in her hand and talking to one of the other women. I felt a rush of relief. I was sure that John had taken my wife off to fuck her, and I suddenly wasn't ready for that to happen. A couple of minutes later, Diane stood up and moved over next to Jill apparently to be introduced to someone. Now I could see all of the women in that room. I looked from one to the next and admired them. When I got to Jill, I stared for an extra minute and knew right then who I wanted to make love to. It was ... Diane. Boy was I unhappy!

By the time I had started my third drink, I was beginning to feel better and was enjoying the conversation with the other men in the room. I suddenly realized that Jill was standing next to me and when I looked around, I saw that all five women had joined us.

I could see Diane across the room talking to Tom whom I had met earlier. The conversation looked innocent enough so I started talking to Jill and was beginning to get aroused by the idea of making love to her. I was about to ask her if we could go somewhere private when I saw Diane and Tom heading toward the stairs to the second floor where all the bedrooms were. I was frozen. I couldn't take my eyes off them as they climbed the stairs. I watched as they opened the door to a bedroom at the top of the stairs, entered the room and closed the door behind them. I felt a little sick and had to sit down.

I went over and sat in a chair that gave me a view of the bedroom door behind which my wife was about to be fucked by another man. I suddenly had a mental picture of the way Diane looked when I had seen her earlier in just thigh high stockings, and her bra and panties. I knew that Tom was going to not only get to see Diane that way, but he would be removing the bra and panties. He was going to be kissing her tits and shoving his cock into her pussy. As I sat and watched I felt my stomach turn over and at the same time I was getting an enormous erection. I was really confused now.

Jill came over to me and asked if I was all right. I just looked up at the door and Jill said, "Oh I understand. This often happens to first timers. Don't worry, things will turn out O.K." Jill sat with me and rubbed my neck which felt great and helped me to relax a little. After about thirty minutes, the bedroom door opened and Tom came out. I quickly looked away so I wouldn't be seen staring. Tom came back downstairs and went to the bar for a drink. Diane didn't come out of the room for another five minutes. When I saw her at the top of the stairs, she smiled at me and started down the stairs. She looked like nothing had happened. I began to think she must not have done anything. But when she came into the living room, I could see the redness around her lips and on her neck that showed she had been at least necking with Tom and then I noticed that one of the bottom buttons on her blouse was open.

But it was the look of satisfaction on her face that told me that she had indeed been fucked by Tom - and fucked well. I started to get up to go talk to her but Jill stopped me. She said "It's not a good time to approach her now. Wait till you've calmed down." Jill was right so I sat back down. When I looked back at Diane she was being handed a drink by one of the single guys at the party.

It was at that point that I realized that many of the guests had disappeared. I asked Jill where everyone had gone and she said, "Where do you think?"

I just said, "Wow, I never saw them leave the room."

Jill replied, "You were preoccupied at the time."

When I looked back at Diane she was talking to the guy who had handed her the drink. His name was Tony. Tony was about 25 years old, five years younger that Diane and very handsome with and athletic body. As they talked, Tony started guiding Diane toward the stairs.

They went up the stairs but had to go to the second room down the hall as the first one was now occupied. Jill asked me if I was okay. I said, "I don't know how I feel. I know what they're doing, but I want to ‘know more specifically’ what they're doing. Do you know what I mean?"

Jill said, "Yes." She stood up, took my hand, pulled me out of the chair and led me to the stairs. She took me to the master bedroom next to the one that Diane had just gone into. Jill closed and locked the door and then said to me, "Be careful what you ask for because you might get it." With that she walked over and removed a painting from the wall. Behind the painting was a hole which opened to the back of a two-way mirror. When I looked in, I saw Diane sitting on the bed in just her bra and panties and stockings. Tony was standing to the side undressing.

He removed his pants and laid them over a chair then he removed his shirt. The whole time, I could see that they were carrying on a conversation as if they were sitting downstairs in the living room. Finally Tony removed his boxer shorts. Then Diane casually reached out with her left hand and cupped his balls in the palm of her hand. She looked up into Tony's face and began talking and at the same time wrapped her right hand around his cock and slowly stroked it.

Watching her be so casual about jerking him off was beginning to be a turn on to me. Diane continued to talk to Tony for another minute then she just bent forward and began sucking on his stiff prick. Diane seemed to enjoy sucking his cock which upset me because she never wanted to do that for me. As she continued to suck his cock, he put his hand on the back of her head and pushed his cock deeper into her mouth. After about five minutes, Tony pulled out of Diane's mouth and pulled her to her feet. He pulled down on her bra freeing her tits. Tony began to roughly squeeze and suck on Diane's tits but she didn't seem to mind that he was being rough. Finally Tony pulled Diane's panties off and pushed her down on the bed. He got on top of her and slipped his cock into my wife's cunt and started fucking her with long hard strokes. As I continued to watch Diane getting fucked, Jill unhooked my belt unzipped my fly and pulled my pants down. Then she began to give my swollen cock a tongue bath. I enjoyed the sensation of Jill's mouth on my cock while I watched Tony's cock sliding in and out of my wife's pussy.

Suddenly Tony stiffened up and pushed his cock into Diane as far as he could. He seemed to be erupting inside her. He pumped her a few more times and stopped again. He continued to do this till his orgasm ended. Then he pulled back and let his softening cock slip out of Diane's pussy. As the head of his cock came out of her hole, it was followed by a large glob of cum that ran down Diane's pussy and down her crack to the bed.

That sight did it for me. My cock exploded into Jill's mouth and I nearly collapsed on the floor. I apologized to her for not being able to pleasure her but she said that it was all right. I was a guest in her house and she was glad to pleasure me. She said that I could take care of her another time, maybe later that evening?

I pulled my pants back up and looked back into the other room. Tony had alread left and Diane was getting dressed and fixing herself up a little before going back downstairs.

I went back downstairs before Diane and headed for the bar. I needed a strong drink because I was confused. I was jealous. Watching Diane suck on Tony's cock made me jealous but it didn't make me angry and I didn't understand that. Why did I get aroused watching my wife getting fucked by another man? As I sipped my drink and tried to understand what was happening to me, I saw Diane enter the room. After having a romp with two different men, she still looked fresh and ready to party. She seemed to be glowing.

This evening was not working out the way I'd expected it to. I had figured I was going to be having fun fucking Jill and the other women and I didn't care what happened to Diane. But the reality was that I was unhappy and Diane was enjoying herself. And the strangest thing of all is that the only thing that made me happy was that Diane was enjoying herself. When I looked at her again she was walking toward me with a smile on her lips. She appeared to be getting ready to say something to me when Carl, one of the other married men at the party, began talking to her. As she talked to Carl, she kept glancing over at me like she wanted to tell me something but she couldn't get away from Carl. I couldn't hear their conversation but after about ten minutes of friendly conversation, it appeared that Carl asked Diane a question because I could read her lips as she said OK and she nodded her head at the same time.

Then Carl put his arm around Diane's shoulders and guided her out of the room and up the stairs. I watched as they disappeared from sight.

As I sat waiting for Diane to come back, I began to imagine what she was doing with Carl. How she looked with just her bra and panties on. And I wondered if she was sucking on his cock. To my surprise, I was beginning to get an erection, thinking about Diane sucking on his cock, then spreading her legs so he could easily slide it into her cum soaked cunt. After a while I had to force myself to think about something else or I might have cum in my pants. Jill came by and asked how I was doing. I told her I was feeling a little better. I was beginning to learn how to deal with the situation.

After about a half hour, I saw Carl coming down the stairs but Diane wasn't with him. She must be trying to fix herself up again. I decided that when she came downstairs, I was going to ask her if she was ready to go home. She didn't come down for another twenty minutes but when she did, she had managed to fix herself up and she still looked good. She went to the bar and made herself a drink then she came over to where I was sitting and stood in front of me. Before I could ask her if she was ready to go home, she said that she wanted me to meet her upstairs in five minutes. Then she turned and walked out of the room and up the stairs.

Now I was really worried. Did she want to get me away from the rest of the party so she could tell me she wanted a divorce or that she was leaving me or some thing like that? Not knowing what else to do, I did as I was told. I waited five minutes and headed upstairs.

When I got upstairs, three of the bedroom doors were closed so I went into the one door that was open. Diane was standing in front of the mirror fixing her hair and didn't turn around as I entered. She looked at me in the reflection of the mirror and told me to sit down.

The bed was messed up and there was evidence of wet cum spots on the sheets so I was careful where I sat. Diane turned to face me and I braced myself for bad news. If she was about to give me bad news, it looked like she was going to enjoy it. She was smiling and she had that same glow I had noticed a while ago down stairs.

Finally she began to speak, "This has been an unbelievable night. You could never have convinced me that I was going to feel this way. I feel like the tension that has been building inside me, that was keeping us apart is gone." She walked over and closed the door. "I want to have sex one more time tonight."

She removed her blouse and laid it on a chair then removed her skirt and put it with the blouse. Now I was seeing her as her other lovers tonight had seen her, and she looked very sexy. She began speaking again, "It may sound strange for me to say this while I am standing here with my pussy so full of other men's semen running down my legs but right now, I love you more than I ever have before and I want to make love to you if you'll let me."

Diane came over and stood in front of me. I could see that the crotch of her panties was soaked through and some cum was running down the inside of her thigh. I reached out and touched the front of her panties and felt the load she was carrying inside her dripping cunt. I said, "A couple of days ago no one could have made me believe that you would have sex with another man let alone three in one night."

Diane cut in, "Well actually, four men."

I said, "I watched you all evening and only saw you come up here with three men."

"Well, when Carl and I finished and he left, I was starting to get dressed when John came in the room and said, 'You are not going to leave without fucking your host, are you?' I said no, and took my panties back off and lay down and let him do me. It wasn't very good sex but the idea that I had just finished fucking one man and here I was fucking another caused me to have another nice orgasm."

Listening to Diane speak so matter of fact about her activities had the effect of giving me an extremely hard cock. I looked at Diane and said "I need to make love to you now."

Diane came over and knelt down on the floor in front of me and started undoing my pants. I helped her pull them down. Then she went down on my cock and started giving me the best blow job I had ever had. This was the first time Diane had ever sucked my cock without me asking her to do it and it was the first time she acted like she wanted to suck me off.

When she had me nearly ready to explode in her mouth she pulled back and stood up. Then she removed her bra and panties. She climbed up on the bed and lay down next to me. When I looked at her pussy it was puffy and the hair was matted and sticky and globs of semen were oozing out from between her pussy lips.

Looking at Diane's cum-filled pussy, I suddenly understood exactly what is meant by the term 'cream pie'. I lowered myself on top of her and kissed her gently on the mouth then began kissing my way down to her breasts. I licked and kissed her nipples. While I was kissing her nipples I was thinking about going down on her pussy and giving her an oral orgasm. I had often fantasized about going down on Diane after fucking her and eating my cum out of her pussy. And the idea of eating her now was exciting me until I stuck my fingers in her pussy. Then I decided that tonight wasn't the right time to try that.

Diane reached down and took hold of my cock and gently but firmly guided it up to her pussy. She placed my cock head at the opening of her cunt and I just pushed. She was so wet and sloppy down there that I slid in with no resistance. After having four cocks inside her already tonight and with all the cum in her pussy, Diane wasn't very tight. I could just barely feel the sides of her pussy as I stroked in and out of her but I exploded in just about two minutes. Afterwards, we just lay in each others arms for a while. I noticed a little noise coming from the wall acorss the room and knew that Jill must be at her little voyuer game again. I didn't mind one bit.

As we were getting ready to leave, we thanked John and Jill for inviting us. Jill took Diane aside to chat with her and John asked me if I would like to come back the next time they had a swap meet. I told him I would have to think about it and let him know but there was a good chance we would be back. When Diane came back, we left. On the way home, neither of us spoke but unlike the silence on the way to the party, the silence on the way home was comfortable.

When we got home we showered and headed for bed. As soon as we got in bed Diane said, "I learned something tonight, that is, something other than how much I love you. I learned that I enjoy sucking cock." Then she slid down and took my cock in her hand and started licking and sucking on it like is was a piece of candy.

As she played with and sucked my cock she began talking to me, "I know you didn't have sex with anyone except me. I guess the party didn't work out the way you expected it to. I knew as soon as I met Jill that she was the reason we were at that party and that hurt me a little but when I noticed that you were watching me all the time and not fucking any of the women, I knew that you loved me. And in spite of the fact that it was hurting you, you did not stop me from having my fun. You made me feel special. I was sceptical earlier but now I believe that this party may very well have saved our marriage. And to show you how grateful I am, I have invited John and Jill over next weekend."

Diane went back to work on my cock and brought me slowly to climax. Then I fell asleep with my cock still in Diane's mouth.


the fuck meet should be practice to save marriage in the family first,the incest and taboo fuck fest whenever meets in marriage,birthday party as sex swap party. YB


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