(02-11-2015, 05:23 PM)rolls4u : if we make 10 posts after 01.11.2015 will chat option be enabled for us
It's already 02.11.2015
Just make 10+ Posts (not 10 it's 10+)
And then wait for 10 mins
Hard refresh the home page
There you go.
Now u will see the Chat Bar
(18-01-2016, 10:06 PM)taneja : i agree with asmodi some people which are showing online have not opened the en.roksbi.ru for a month then also its showing them on online list
U do not need to login necessarily in en.roksbi.ru to use chat
Download "cometchat" app from market
From there u can Login for en.roksbi.ru chat alone for ever
Its like whatsapp or Facebook messenger