110% true. I also like lesbianism a lot, although i am male but love it.
(01-08-2017, 08:52 PM)honey boy : Their is no problem in being a lesbian. I have many friends who are lesbian and they are happy to say that. After all they are human beings.
(22-06-2015, 02:20 PM)coconutellaa : I am a pakistani girl, n to be honest i like girls i dont know why but i do i cannot change it. what are your thoughts about lesbianism and if there are any other girls who think the same but are scared to tell anyone should definitely reach me so we can discuss.
Indeed this is matter of mutual acceptance.In most of the cases disagree due to sanitation matter. We are discharge un pleasant and due to non hygiene it's create non acceptance. Most of the case male member initiate and do it but female doesn't consider.