<![CDATA[en.roksbi.ru - NEWS & KNOWLEDGE]]> - Online porn video at mobile //en.roksbi.ru/javvids/ Mon, 25 Jun 2018 13:20:45 +0000 MyBB <![CDATA[जापान में तय वक्त से पहले आम चुनाव, PM शिंजो आबे ने संसद के निचले सदन को किया भांग]]> - Online porn video at mobile //en.roksbi.ru/javvids/thread-27053.html Mon, 25 Sep 2017 14:10:59 +0000 //en.roksbi.ru/javvids/thread-27053.html जापान में तय वक्त से पहले आम चुनाव, PM शिंजो आबे ने संसद के निचले सदन को किया भांग]]> जापान में तय वक्त से पहले आम चुनाव, PM शिंजो आबे ने संसद के निचले सदन को किया भांग]]> <![CDATA[Twist in Bihar kidnap wedding case.]]> - Online porn video at mobile //en.roksbi.ru/javvids/thread-26175.html Wed, 31 May 2017 10:38:26 +0000 //en.roksbi.ru/javvids/thread-26175.html Twist in Bihar kidnap wedding case: Groom denies abduction, court orders probe into...]]> Twist in Bihar kidnap wedding case: Groom denies abduction, court orders probe into...]]> <![CDATA[चाणक्य कह गए हैं- कभी किसी के आगे न खोलें ये चार राज]]> - Online porn video at mobile //en.roksbi.ru/javvids/thread-26145.html Tue, 23 May 2017 07:51:02 +0000 //en.roksbi.ru/javvids/thread-26145.html चाणक्य कह गए हैं- कभी किसी के आगे न खोलें ये चार राज

सैकड़ों सालों पहले चाणक्य द्वारा दी गई शिक्षा आज भी व्यवहारिक है तो इसके पीछे कई वजह है. चाणक्य न सिर्फ मानव मन का गहन अध्ययन किया था बल्कि मनुष्य के सामाजिक व्यवहार को भी उन्होंने सुक्ष्म दृष्टि से परखा था. चाणक्य की नीतियां हमें कटु लग सकती हैं पर इनपर अमल किया जाए तो ये कई परेशानियों से हमें बचा सकती हैं.]]>
चाणक्य कह गए हैं- कभी किसी के आगे न खोलें ये चार राज

सैकड़ों सालों पहले चाणक्य द्वारा दी गई शिक्षा आज भी व्यवहारिक है तो इसके पीछे कई वजह है. चाणक्य न सिर्फ मानव मन का गहन अध्ययन किया था बल्कि मनुष्य के सामाजिक व्यवहार को भी उन्होंने सुक्ष्म दृष्टि से परखा था. चाणक्य की नीतियां हमें कटु लग सकती हैं पर इनपर अमल किया जाए तो ये कई परेशानियों से हमें बचा सकती हैं.]]>
<![CDATA[लीजा, श्रीदेवी से कोंकणा तक, शादी से पहले प्रेग्नेंट हुईं ये 9 एक्ट्रेसेस]]> - Online porn video at mobile //en.roksbi.ru/javvids/thread-26134.html Sun, 21 May 2017 07:55:01 +0000 //en.roksbi.ru/javvids/thread-26134.html लीजा, श्रीदेवी से कोंकणा तक, शादी से पहले प्रेग्नेंट हुईं ये 9 एक्ट्रेसेस

लीजा और श्रीदेवी

एक्ट्रेस लीजा हेडन ने एक बेबी ब्वॉय को जन्म दिया हैं। लीजा ने प्रेग्नेंसी की अनाउंसमेंट लगभग 5 महीने पहले जनवरी में की थी। जबकि उन्होंने अक्टूबर, 2016 को लॉन्ग टाइम ब्वॉयफ्रेंड डिनो ललवानी से शादी की है। बता दें कि लीजा शादी से पहले ही प्रेग्नेंट हो गई थी। वे ऐसी पहली एक्ट्रेस नहीं है, इसके पहले भी कई एक्ट्रेसेस हैं जो शादी से पहले प्रेग्नेंट हो चुकी हैं। श्रीदेवी भी हुईं थी शादी से पहले प्रेग्नेंट...]]>
लीजा, श्रीदेवी से कोंकणा तक, शादी से पहले प्रेग्नेंट हुईं ये 9 एक्ट्रेसेस

लीजा और श्रीदेवी

एक्ट्रेस लीजा हेडन ने एक बेबी ब्वॉय को जन्म दिया हैं। लीजा ने प्रेग्नेंसी की अनाउंसमेंट लगभग 5 महीने पहले जनवरी में की थी। जबकि उन्होंने अक्टूबर, 2016 को लॉन्ग टाइम ब्वॉयफ्रेंड डिनो ललवानी से शादी की है। बता दें कि लीजा शादी से पहले ही प्रेग्नेंट हो गई थी। वे ऐसी पहली एक्ट्रेस नहीं है, इसके पहले भी कई एक्ट्रेसेस हैं जो शादी से पहले प्रेग्नेंट हो चुकी हैं। श्रीदेवी भी हुईं थी शादी से पहले प्रेग्नेंट...]]>
<![CDATA[Alien army on the moon?]]> - Online porn video at mobile //en.roksbi.ru/javvids/thread-26123.html Sat, 13 May 2017 08:00:03 +0000 //en.roksbi.ru/javvids/thread-26123.html Alien army on the moon? UFO hunters spot 'ancient tank on hiding among ruins' in NASA photo]]> Alien army on the moon? UFO hunters spot 'ancient tank on hiding among ruins' in NASA photo]]> <![CDATA[बंद होंगे 2000 के नोट, मोदी सरकार फिर करेगी नोटबं]]> - Online porn video at mobile //en.roksbi.ru/javvids/thread-26117.html Fri, 12 May 2017 09:09:09 +0000 //en.roksbi.ru/javvids/thread-26117.html बंद होंगे 2000 के नोट, मोदी सरकार फिर करेगी नोटबंदी?]]> बंद होंगे 2000 के नोट, मोदी सरकार फिर करेगी नोटबंदी?]]> <![CDATA[Recently married couple commits suicide]]> - Online porn video at mobile //en.roksbi.ru/javvids/thread-26116.html Fri, 12 May 2017 09:01:52 +0000 //en.roksbi.ru/javvids/thread-26116.html Recently married couple commits suicide]]> Recently married couple commits suicide]]> <![CDATA[एक क्लिक में पढ़ें दिनभर की बड़ी और चर्चित खबर]]> - Online porn video at mobile //en.roksbi.ru/javvids/thread-26112.html Thu, 11 May 2017 07:41:12 +0000 //en.roksbi.ru/javvids/thread-26112.html एक क्लिक में पढ़ें दिनभर की बड़ी और चर्चित खबरें]]> एक क्लिक में पढ़ें दिनभर की बड़ी और चर्चित खबरें]]> <![CDATA[पार्टरन की जगह बेडरूम में इस चीज का इस्तेमाल]]> - Online porn video at mobile //en.roksbi.ru/javvids/thread-26106.html Wed, 10 May 2017 07:14:33 +0000 //en.roksbi.ru/javvids/thread-26106.html पार्टरन की जगह बेडरूम में इस चीज का इस्तेमाल कर रही हैं महिलाएं]]> पार्टरन की जगह बेडरूम में इस चीज का इस्तेमाल कर रही हैं महिलाएं]]> <![CDATA[6 Shocking Things That are Legal in America]]> - Online porn video at mobile //en.roksbi.ru/javvids/thread-26100.html Tue, 09 May 2017 09:55:29 +0000 //en.roksbi.ru/javvids/thread-26100.html 6 Shocking Things That are Legal in America]]> 6 Shocking Things That are Legal in America]]> <![CDATA[Should we do Masterbation or Not? Is it safe for boys & girls?Should we do Masterbati]]> - Online porn video at mobile //en.roksbi.ru/javvids/thread-26088.html Mon, 08 May 2017 08:54:08 +0000 //en.roksbi.ru/javvids/thread-26088.html Should we do Masterbation or Not? Is it safe for boys & girls?]]> Should we do Masterbation or Not? Is it safe for boys & girls?]]> <![CDATA[चेकिंग के दौरान जब इस महिला के छुए प्राइवेट पा]]> - Online porn video at mobile //en.roksbi.ru/javvids/thread-26086.html Sun, 07 May 2017 08:06:00 +0000 //en.roksbi.ru/javvids/thread-26086.html चेकिंग के दौरान जब इस महिला के छुए प्राइवेट पार्ट तो खुल गया इस महिला का राज़।]]> चेकिंग के दौरान जब इस महिला के छुए प्राइवेट पार्ट तो खुल गया इस महिला का राज़।]]> <![CDATA[Delhi gas leak: Police registers FIR; 310 school students treated for eye irritation]]> - Online porn video at mobile //en.roksbi.ru/javvids/thread-26081.html Sat, 06 May 2017 14:58:45 +0000 //en.roksbi.ru/javvids/thread-26081.html Delhi gas leak: Police registers FIR; 310 school students treated for eye irritation.]]> Delhi gas leak: Police registers FIR; 310 school students treated for eye irritation.]]> <![CDATA[Do you think Gambhir's stubbornness to have Narine as opener will cost KKR dearly?]]> - Online porn video at mobile //en.roksbi.ru/javvids/thread-26073.html Fri, 05 May 2017 09:48:19 +0000 //en.roksbi.ru/javvids/thread-26073.html Do you think Gambhir's stubbornness to have Narine as opener will cost KKR dearly?

Do you think Gambhir's stubbornness to have Narine as opener will cost KKR dearly?

<![CDATA[Telugu actor Pradeep Kumar commits suicide]]> - Online porn video at mobile //en.roksbi.ru/javvids/thread-26068.html Thu, 04 May 2017 10:02:54 +0000 //en.roksbi.ru/javvids/thread-26068.html
Telugu actor Pradeep Kumar commits suicide

The actor recently got married
Telugu actor Pradeep Kumar commits suicide

The actor recently got married
<![CDATA[The Salary Of Bahubali 2 Actors Will Shock You In A Big Way]]> - Online porn video at mobile //en.roksbi.ru/javvids/thread-26057.html Wed, 03 May 2017 06:41:33 +0000 //en.roksbi.ru/javvids/thread-26057.html
The Salary Of Bahubali 2 Actors Will Shock You In A Big Way
The Salary Of Bahubali 2 Actors Will Shock You In A Big Way
<![CDATA[One Dead as Shah Rukh Khan Fans Mob Vadodara Station]]> - Online porn video at mobile //en.roksbi.ru/javvids/thread-25195.html Sun, 12 Feb 2017 15:39:33 +0000 //en.roksbi.ru/javvids/thread-25195.html Vadodara: One person died and two policemen were injured after police lathicharged a crowd going berserk following the arrival of Bollywood actor Shah Rukh Khan at the train station here.]]> Vadodara: One person died and two policemen were injured after police lathicharged a crowd going berserk following the arrival of Bollywood actor Shah Rukh Khan at the train station here.]]> <![CDATA[Jolly LLB 2 Movie Review]]> - Online porn video at mobile //en.roksbi.ru/javvids/thread-25194.html Sun, 12 Feb 2017 15:34:56 +0000 //en.roksbi.ru/javvids/thread-25194.html JOLLY LLB 2 STORY: 

Jagdishwar Mishra aka Jolly (Akshay) starts out as a prominent lawyer’s sidekick in Kanpur. Driven by ambition, he hoodwinks a pregnant widow, Hina Siddique (Sayani Gupta) on the lookout for justice. He lands the murder case of her husband, but when she realises he is a fraud, she kills herself. Leaving Jolly with guilt on his conscience and an unresolved case in his hands. Now, he wants justice more than ever.


On the face of it, apna Jolly is a novice indulging in petty crimes because he knows the loopholes in the law. At home, he is the hen-pecked husband of lush, Pushpa Panday(Huma) who loves whisky, Gucci dresses and her chubby son in that order. But these are just asides and not the main premise of courtroom drama, which in many ways follows the template of the 2013 prequel, Jolly LLB.

Writer-director Subhash Kapoor who has studied India’s burgeoning legal system of `I-will-see-you-in-court’, definitely knows as much about the Indian Penal Code as most legal sharks because of his deep study of the subject. While the last instalment dealt with a hit-n-run case, this one deals with the case of mistaken identity of a J & K terrorist. The plot has enough laugh-out-loud situations and emotional outbursts to keep you invested especially in the razor-sharp first half. The film also provides the right dose of action inside and outside the courtroom. With cops playing villains and terrorists changing religions, legal greenhorn Jolly finds himself dodging bullets in Kanpur, Lucknow and Manali(doubling up for Kashmir.)

Post interval though, the film hits a pause button at times. The maker tries to pack in too much legal diatribe between Jolly and his adversary, the topnotch, Pramod Mathur(Annu Kapoor), in Judge Tripathy’s (Saurabh Shukla, delightful as always) Lucknow courtroom. Their weighty arguments do educate and entertain to some degree. But there are portions that seem contrived.

Akshay changes shades from crooked to straight, like a chameleon. In top-form, he puts up a perfect display of a street-smart lawyer who hasn’t read legal tomes but who has instead picked up tips from courtroom corridors to become Jolly LLB. Huma and Annu are also compelling enough. It is the fine display of histrionics by all these refined actors, which makes the movie, worth seeing.]]>

Jagdishwar Mishra aka Jolly (Akshay) starts out as a prominent lawyer’s sidekick in Kanpur. Driven by ambition, he hoodwinks a pregnant widow, Hina Siddique (Sayani Gupta) on the lookout for justice. He lands the murder case of her husband, but when she realises he is a fraud, she kills herself. Leaving Jolly with guilt on his conscience and an unresolved case in his hands. Now, he wants justice more than ever.


On the face of it, apna Jolly is a novice indulging in petty crimes because he knows the loopholes in the law. At home, he is the hen-pecked husband of lush, Pushpa Panday(Huma) who loves whisky, Gucci dresses and her chubby son in that order. But these are just asides and not the main premise of courtroom drama, which in many ways follows the template of the 2013 prequel, Jolly LLB.

Writer-director Subhash Kapoor who has studied India’s burgeoning legal system of `I-will-see-you-in-court’, definitely knows as much about the Indian Penal Code as most legal sharks because of his deep study of the subject. While the last instalment dealt with a hit-n-run case, this one deals with the case of mistaken identity of a J & K terrorist. The plot has enough laugh-out-loud situations and emotional outbursts to keep you invested especially in the razor-sharp first half. The film also provides the right dose of action inside and outside the courtroom. With cops playing villains and terrorists changing religions, legal greenhorn Jolly finds himself dodging bullets in Kanpur, Lucknow and Manali(doubling up for Kashmir.)

Post interval though, the film hits a pause button at times. The maker tries to pack in too much legal diatribe between Jolly and his adversary, the topnotch, Pramod Mathur(Annu Kapoor), in Judge Tripathy’s (Saurabh Shukla, delightful as always) Lucknow courtroom. Their weighty arguments do educate and entertain to some degree. But there are portions that seem contrived.

Akshay changes shades from crooked to straight, like a chameleon. In top-form, he puts up a perfect display of a street-smart lawyer who hasn’t read legal tomes but who has instead picked up tips from courtroom corridors to become Jolly LLB. Huma and Annu are also compelling enough. It is the fine display of histrionics by all these refined actors, which makes the movie, worth seeing.]]>
<![CDATA[Did you know Kangana Ranaut almost signed an adult film?]]> - Online porn video at mobile //en.roksbi.ru/javvids/thread-24676.html Mon, 02 Jan 2017 16:46:07 +0000 //en.roksbi.ru/javvids/thread-24676.html
Did you know Kangana Ranaut almost signed an adult film?

National Award-winning actor Kangana Ranaut, who made her debut in Bollywood with 2006 romantic crime drama film Gangster, says if she had not got this offer, she would have started her career with a very shady film.

While talking about the turning points in her career, Kangana said on a TV show, “I think the first ever would be the break that I got from my film Gangster because I remember getting a very shady offer, I think it was not a right movie. But I was like, ‘Okay, fine, I’ll do it’.”

She added, “And then I did a photo shoot and then they gave me robe and there was nothing inside the robe. And it looked like some blue film or something and I was like, ‘This doesn’t look right’. Because it’s obviously not the right film.”

So did she walk out or do that film? “No, but then I got Gangster and I’m like ‘I’ll do that film.’ And then my producer got furious and I was in trouble for some time because I abandoned that project. And I was very young, I was 17 or 18. And if I would have not gotten Gangster, I am sure I would have done that film. But I think the thing about me was that I always said yes to every offer.”

Kangana’s next projects are Rangoon, Rani Lakshmi Bai and Simran.
Did you know Kangana Ranaut almost signed an adult film?

National Award-winning actor Kangana Ranaut, who made her debut in Bollywood with 2006 romantic crime drama film Gangster, says if she had not got this offer, she would have started her career with a very shady film.

While talking about the turning points in her career, Kangana said on a TV show, “I think the first ever would be the break that I got from my film Gangster because I remember getting a very shady offer, I think it was not a right movie. But I was like, ‘Okay, fine, I’ll do it’.”

She added, “And then I did a photo shoot and then they gave me robe and there was nothing inside the robe. And it looked like some blue film or something and I was like, ‘This doesn’t look right’. Because it’s obviously not the right film.”

So did she walk out or do that film? “No, but then I got Gangster and I’m like ‘I’ll do that film.’ And then my producer got furious and I was in trouble for some time because I abandoned that project. And I was very young, I was 17 or 18. And if I would have not gotten Gangster, I am sure I would have done that film. But I think the thing about me was that I always said yes to every offer.”

Kangana’s next projects are Rangoon, Rani Lakshmi Bai and Simran.
<![CDATA[A giant nude statue in California is stirring controversy]]> - Online porn video at mobile //en.roksbi.ru/javvids/thread-23705.html Sat, 22 Oct 2016 11:27:24 +0000 //en.roksbi.ru/javvids/thread-23705.html A giant nude statue in California is stirring controversy

SAN LEANDRO, Calif. (AP) — There have long been complaints about the lack of women in the tech industry. Now there's a towering female figure, in a tech park across the bay from San Francisco, although not quite what some people had in mind.

A 55-foot tall statue of a nude woman unveiled this week in the working-class community of San Leandro is stirring controversy and a lot of conversation.

The statue — roughly three times as tall as Michelangelo's David — is made of steel mesh in the form of a graceful dancer, with an arched back and arms stretched overhead. At the base of the statue is a message in 10 languages that says: "What would the world be like if women were safe?"

The debate is not over the statue's artistic merit or its message of female empowerment, which is aimed at the general public, not the tech industry. It centers on whether the 13,000-pound nude is appropriate in public.

"If she's a ballerina, she should have some clothes on," said Tonette Watts, 57, a resident and mother of a teen girl, who stopped and stared at the statue on her way to work. "If you've got kids you do not want them seeing that."

Another parent, Keith Verville, 48, studied the sculpture and then asked: "Why is it so big? And SO not clothed?"

The statue, called "Truth is Beauty," is on private property at the edge of a new tech office complex — in a highly trafficked and visible area just across from San Leandro's commuter rail station.

Many people, including city officials, have welcomed the statue as a reflection of the changing demographics in San Leandro, where young millennials now outnumber older residents.

"This is something I'd never have thought would come to San Leandro," said Mayor Pauline Russo Cutter. "It's edgy and modern, and it makes me proud."

The statue debuted in 2013 at Burning Man, the annual counterculture celebration in the Nevada desert. It was then bought by developers of the complex, for a price they haven't disclosed, under a requirement by the city to include public art at the site.

Cutter said some city officials initially weren't thrilled by the choice but ultimately liked the idea of starting a conversation about art. The mayor says the statue sends a powerful message of female strength that's more apparent when seen up close.

The sculptor, Marco Cochrane, says he was marked as a child by the ** of a neighborhood friend and tries through art to bring attention to sexual assault and to the fear of many women, but also to the strength women feel when not afraid.

"She feels safe and she is loving herself in that moment, and hopefully people can feel that feeling," Cochrane said of the statue. "It's a beautiful woman, and part of it is to draw men in. Then they look down and see the message and they go, 'Ohhhh.' I hope that happens thousands of times."

As word spreads about the statue, it's becoming a popular selfie spot.

"She is exceptional," said Jo Sutton, 43, a high school art teacher who hopes to bring her class to see the statue.

Businessman Michael Fennell, 73, stood taking pictures from several angles to send to his son, a sculptor in New York.

"This is a world-class statue," Fennell said. "This is not a woman cowering because the world is against her. This is a woman saying, 'Here we are! We have arrived!' I love it"
A giant nude statue in California is stirring controversy

SAN LEANDRO, Calif. (AP) — There have long been complaints about the lack of women in the tech industry. Now there's a towering female figure, in a tech park across the bay from San Francisco, although not quite what some people had in mind.

A 55-foot tall statue of a nude woman unveiled this week in the working-class community of San Leandro is stirring controversy and a lot of conversation.

The statue — roughly three times as tall as Michelangelo's David — is made of steel mesh in the form of a graceful dancer, with an arched back and arms stretched overhead. At the base of the statue is a message in 10 languages that says: "What would the world be like if women were safe?"

The debate is not over the statue's artistic merit or its message of female empowerment, which is aimed at the general public, not the tech industry. It centers on whether the 13,000-pound nude is appropriate in public.

"If she's a ballerina, she should have some clothes on," said Tonette Watts, 57, a resident and mother of a teen girl, who stopped and stared at the statue on her way to work. "If you've got kids you do not want them seeing that."

Another parent, Keith Verville, 48, studied the sculpture and then asked: "Why is it so big? And SO not clothed?"

The statue, called "Truth is Beauty," is on private property at the edge of a new tech office complex — in a highly trafficked and visible area just across from San Leandro's commuter rail station.

Many people, including city officials, have welcomed the statue as a reflection of the changing demographics in San Leandro, where young millennials now outnumber older residents.

"This is something I'd never have thought would come to San Leandro," said Mayor Pauline Russo Cutter. "It's edgy and modern, and it makes me proud."

The statue debuted in 2013 at Burning Man, the annual counterculture celebration in the Nevada desert. It was then bought by developers of the complex, for a price they haven't disclosed, under a requirement by the city to include public art at the site.

Cutter said some city officials initially weren't thrilled by the choice but ultimately liked the idea of starting a conversation about art. The mayor says the statue sends a powerful message of female strength that's more apparent when seen up close.

The sculptor, Marco Cochrane, says he was marked as a child by the ** of a neighborhood friend and tries through art to bring attention to sexual assault and to the fear of many women, but also to the strength women feel when not afraid.

"She feels safe and she is loving herself in that moment, and hopefully people can feel that feeling," Cochrane said of the statue. "It's a beautiful woman, and part of it is to draw men in. Then they look down and see the message and they go, 'Ohhhh.' I hope that happens thousands of times."

As word spreads about the statue, it's becoming a popular selfie spot.

"She is exceptional," said Jo Sutton, 43, a high school art teacher who hopes to bring her class to see the statue.

Businessman Michael Fennell, 73, stood taking pictures from several angles to send to his son, a sculptor in New York.

"This is a world-class statue," Fennell said. "This is not a woman cowering because the world is against her. This is a woman saying, 'Here we are! We have arrived!' I love it"